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Donations let you contribute money towards the development of Minecraft Frontiers. While the project is completely self-sufficient, any income generated through donations goes directly into development. This allows us to deliver content exceeding our original budget, such as extended soundtrack, professional artwork, voice-over NPCs, lore books written by professional writers, more powerful server structure, interactive sections of the website or physical merchandise rewards for our community. In the long term, a steady stream of donations can really help us grow as a community.
We encourage players to view the donation as just that - a voluntary contribution of money to the development of the project. The biggest reward is the additional content your donation provides! With that in mind, we have put together four donation packages, each containing rewards as a thank you for your contribution. Each package contains a carefully selected list of perks, designed to personalise your experience better. Once you start donating, we consider you part of the development framework. This means many of the rewards involve creation of unique personalised content. This content is meant not to make your character more powerful, but to tailor the world more to your liking. This allows you to become part of the Minecraft Frontiers legacy, which we hope will be an amazing experience for you as a donator.
We took great care selecting the donation perks. If a player can't donate, they do not miss out on gameplay progression. You will not be any less powerful, you will not be locked out of content, you will not be missing out on any fun. Even better, some of the donation rewards improve the experience for the server as a whole. This means you will get access to some of the buildings or items a donator helps design, even if you don't donate yourself. We are always glad when dedicated members of the community help with the bills - it helps us deliver great stuff for everyone. At the same time, we will never push any player into donating - we understand much of our community consists of young people who can't afford it.
Absolutely. In many cases, our donation rewards are even more strictly controlled than Mojang requires. We are very keen on developing the economical aspects of our server. Selling power, gameplay affecting content or any economical advantages (even indirect ones), are a big no no for us. If you are confused about some of the perks, or feel they offer unfair advantages to donators, do not hesitate to contact our owner (@Tomas) on the forums. We will happily answer any questions you might have.
There are many reasons why donating is a great idea. You help us deliver more content than we expected. We are funding the project from our own pockets, because we love our vision. Every penny earned from a donation allows us to go beyond what we budgeted for, making the experience better for everyone. Donating allows you to get a closer look at the development. Many of our rewards involve you helping create content for our server - which is an amazing experience. You will learn how our world is put together, getting a real behind the scenes look at Minecraft Frontiers. As a thank you, we will deliver a unique selection of items to your character every month. This is a nice surprise to start your month with. Donating also improves the experience for those around you. Be it getting lore you can share with others, the ability to purchase new building styles for your town or creating new personalised content. All in all, donating is a brilliant framework for everyone involved. It's a great chance to support something you love.