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Elpida is a colony of Patraeia. This means that Elpida is still loyal to Patraeia, paying taxes, supporting the nation in times of war, and trading with the mainland. However, the actual government of the colony is largely autonomous and capable of making important decisions independent of the Senate.

Elected Offices

The citizenry of Elpida plays a large role in determining its government. Each term, the citizens of Elpida elect certain officials to make general decisions on behalf of the colony. (I’m not sure yet if everyone is counted as a citizen or if there’s some sort of criteria for it?) I personally like the triumvirate system listed below. Each of the three main positions is unique and important.

Minister of Trade: Makes important economic decisions for the town, such as taxes and trade with the mainland, and tries to figure out where all the thieves keep coming from.

Executive Magistrate: Commands the militia in times of war, acts as chief judge and executor of the law, investigates Pertentus’s death, and tries to figure out what the Prefect is hiding from him.

Prefect: Manages urban construction and housing and desperately tries to keep the crime problem that has exploded in the wake of Pertentus’s death a secret.