Update Notes
From MF Wiki
12/30/19 : Release 1.0.5 (Bank Storage)
New Features:
- Added Bank Storage
Balancing Changes:
- Reduced the value of iron ore (0.33x current value)
- Increased the value of wolf-skin (5x current value)
- Increased the drop rates of wolf-skin (2x current value)
Gameplay Fixes:
- Fixed shop stealing
- Other internal changes
12/27/19 : Release 1.0.4 (Quarry Update)
New Features:
- Disable Blank Join/Quit Messages
- MetalMixer & MetalFormer have been added to blacksmith building
- New MetalMixer & MetalFormer in lower area of mining town
- 7x7 Quarry Plots are available for purchase (33 new plots in total)
- Sandstone Quarry and Clay Pit are now constructable within a 7x7 quarry plot - these buildings passively award resources on a daily basis.
- Crafting trainers now notify you of your current tier.
- Add command /portal
Balancing Changes:
- Processed food items provide significantly more nutrition
- Armour has now double the durability.
- Exports now update every 4 in-game days (~8 hours)
Gameplay Fixes:
- Fix client side render bug with water buckets
- Removed /tell
- Fix plot upkeep bug
- Fix Zweihander item info
- Fix shield item info
- Add crafting tier checks back
- Fix portal leaking crafting shapes
- Fix fine axe recipe
- Fix log splitter on all axe recipes
- Fix milk buckets in recipes creating vanilla buckets in crafting recipes
- Decreased durability on splitting axes but increased durability on fine splitting axes.
- Removed 3 wolves from edge of Elpida due to exploit
- Fix server crash due to bug in log splitter
- Fix chests in plots showing all same inventory
Portal Changes:
- Add search box
- Add condition crafting requirements
- UI improvements
12/23/19 : Release 1.0.3 (The Bank Raid)
Event: The Bank Raid
New Features:
- Added New Shopkeepers:
- Miner - mining supplies, ores
- Atroledis - Explorer’s armor set
- Weapons - swords
- Architect - housing components
- Florist - healing herbs
- Added encouragements for full bellies (It increases your stamina)
Balancing Changes:
- Tweaked food consumption (You now don’t have to feast like a beast)
- Players now get 50% more stamina when they have full food.
Gameplay Fixes:
- Fix for bank accounts multiplying people's money.
- Fix apple orchards disappearing over time
- Disabled /msg command
12/23/19 : Release 1.0.2
New Features:
- Domestic Cows now produce milk - bring an empty bucket and ask it for milk.
- Introduced NPC leashing - they will return to their original spawn if they are dragged too far away.
- Citizenship status is shown when hovering over name in chat
Balancing Changes:
- Added a new mineshaft into the Mining Village mines.
- Added 6 rich ore veins into the mountains above the Mining Village - great rewards await those who make the climb.
Gameplay Fixes:
- Coins deposited into the bank now persist through logging out.
- The Metal Mixer should not duplicate ore anymore.
- PvP is now disabled.
- Plots should now be available for purchase.
- Food no longer drops on death.
- Fixed gold dust recipe.
- Fix breaking sugar cane
- Fix for the apple orchard
- Removed /me and /w commands
- Fixed portal recipes for MetalMixer & MetalFormer
12/21/19 : Release 1.0.1
New Features:
- Added launch participation rewards
- Portal displays crafting ingredients now
- NPC Shops - The herbalist now buys and sells healing potions (more shops coming soon)
- Added Mailboxes
- Added political nomination posts and polling stations.
- Add apples to the apple orchard
Balancing Changes:
- Softened the death penalty - Food regens to 75% & Penalties only last for 5 minutes now.
- Ore respawns every 10 minutes (instead of 30 minutes).
- Introduced more log piles to the map
- Plots reset and all cost 3000
Gameplay Fixes:
- Crafting trainers should now properly train you and award skills.
- Fixed Recipes containing buckets
- Starting NPC now gives you additional hints - and a book!
- The High Court track now correctly stops the Elpida Theme from playing over it.
- The LogSplitter now does not just bug out because it feels like it.
- The queue is now correctly calculated (Maybe?)
- Fix places on map that players can get stuck
- A bunch of internal bug fixes
12/21/19 : Release 1.0!
Check back for release notes.