Minister of Trade

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The Minister of Trade is an essential role for Elpida’s economy and shopkeepers, but more than that, they have to be charming and likeable, whilst remaining ambitious and headstrong in order to gain profitable trade routes and relations with other people.They have to manage the banks and local shop fees, but if they get too greedy, then shopkeepers may refuse to pay their taxes, or, more likely, they will vote for a new minister of trade.


Historically, Ministers of Trade have often ended up mixed up in bad businesses, infamous criminals and organised crime leaders drop by if taxes grow too high or if the money isn’t being spent in the right places. The senate investigates corruption in the government, and if corruption is found then the Minister of Trade faces very severe consequences. As a result, the people are generally wary of Ministers of Trade, grouping them in with people like money-lenders and tax collectors, so it is harder to be elected. Historically, one easy way of being elected is promising less taxes, though whether that promise is fulfilled or not depends on player choice.


The Minister of Trade is expected to meet once a week, or as often is suitable, with the leading shopkeepers, importers, and exporters to ensure satisfaction in the town. They are also supposed to try and gain contacts of far away lands and people in order to establish secure trading connections, and they are expected to meet with high-profile people as often as they can. As well as this, they play a key role in funding religious and cultural festivals (which occur once a month) - underfunding could cause public outrage but overfunding could lead to a lack of goods in the city. A careful balance must be achieved. At the end of every week, the Minister of Trade, like the other politicians, are expected to publish and release a document detailing their spending over the course of the week. Any forgeries or mistakes in this document will be noticed and investigated by the Senate.


The trade budget comes from import and export fees, as well as the taxation of local shops.The minister is expected to receive a small amount of this money for payment, although if they take too much they may be accused of corruption, which would lead to a Senate investigation.


The Minister of Trade is granted a beautiful estate in the High Court: a huge two story building complete with an enormous dining quarters, kitchen, study, bedroom, workspace, and two beautiful balconies, one overlooking the court and one overlooking the alleys.