Breakable Minecarts, Placeable Water, Missing Water Block

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Savster, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Savster

    Savster Citizen

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    Brief Outline: Minecarts can be entered and destroyed
    Detailed Description: The minecart in the Mining Supplies Store in Elpida can be entered and destroyed. You can break it with you fists or any tool. You can then pick up the minecart item and place it back down.
    Replicable: Replicable, you can enter, break, and place the minecart as many times as pleases.
    Comments: Make minecarts non-breakable?
    Location: Elpida Town, Mining Supplies Store
    Screenshots: Inside Minecart, Minecart in Inventory
    Brief Outline: Water in buckets can sometimes be placed down.
    Detailed Description: You can sometimes place a source of water down and still retain a water bucket. This allows you to climb up buildings or landscape that you shouldn't be able to. The water source blocks remain visible and usable to the player who placed them until they die, the chunks reload, or they rejoin the server. The same happens for any block; they can be placed down but instantly disappear. However, if the user can click fast enough or they use an auto-clicker or macro, they can place a block on top of a block they placed allowing them to climb up buildings and mountains as well. If the player is floating in the water they placed and then move off, they take fall damage. If the player is floating in the water for too long or jumping on placed blocks for too long, then they are kicked for flying.
    Replicable: Replicable, you can place water as many times as possible with one water bucket (infinite water bucket essentially), you can place blocks forever as they disappear from the world and you don't lose blocks from your inventory.
    Screenshots: Screenshot of water placement
    Brief Outline: There is a missing water source block at the wheat fields in Elpida.
    Location: x=101 z=105 y=65
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015

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