Application On Hold Your application is on hold until @Tomas decides if we should accept you. The fact that you are on two other projects isn't...
I expect a 1.8.8, and even a 1.8.9
Thanks so much for applying to be a Beta Tester! We will review your application shortly.
No problem. :)
I think you just helped me decide to accept you or not. Ill get back to you soon.
Welcome To Minecraft Frontiers!
Thanks for applying for Beta Tester! We re currently reviewing your application, and will get back to you soon.
Are you willing to leave your other two MMO projects?
Welcome To Minecraft Frontiers! Nice avtar. ;)
Thanks so much for applying to be a Beta Tester! We are reviewing your application as I speak.
This is literally our best interior builder. I'm really glad I found him.
If you don't want to do moderation, please tell me.
I also like the number '11' but not before '7'
Need help with Twitter feed?
Exactly what I was thinking. The new keys are not appealing to me.
That is probably my choice also. :)
Safari. Ill just try later, for now FireFox works.
I thought the beta was already out, then I found out the thing was a troll...
Separate names with a comma.