I never really enjoyed any of the tomb raider games.. :confused: However, I can recognize how well it is made! :innocent:
As a great man once said clearly depcits Laura, "Bad Ass. Smart Ass. Great Ass." - Deadpool" ;)
My Favorite Games.. *Deep Breathe* I love a lot of games, but I do have a VERY strict biase towards the ones that I'd recommend above all else....
I can't wait to see it!! :D
Can't wait! Also I'll say thanks to the mysterious art person as well! Thanks!
I got you broh: "Left-tennant Jargon" "Patrick O' Malley" "Sir Edward Pollock" Just a few suggestions, but do try and make a name yourself! Also...
@MisterErwin Haha!
Swiggity Sworum, I'ma stalking this forum! Swiggit Swype, So Hype for the prototype!
He shares that badge, guranteed me and @Xalveris will have it within' the first day or two! :laughing:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7iKrTNX6OE - Old Nicolodeon Cartoon called "The Thornberries" the father figure always used to say "Smashing!"...
Shoooot... I'm waiting for the prototype aren't I? I shall have enough patience! Also.. You sir are "SMASHING!"
Don't worry mate, I must wait for the prototype. I need to binge on the crafting.. :D
I love you.
Came to me middle of the night, I was gonna use it for a Campaign but it never fit in anywhere. So I figured hey, If someone else could use this,...
Is.. Is there a story behind this?.. or..
Point made and proven thanks to @Xalveris ! x) Thanks for the answer!
Suprise the dev loves the Mechanics and the community mod loves being involved with the people!! :laughing: You guys are great!
Alright, quick question for everyone. So, whether by going off of your character or off of your own personal opinion, what is you favorite...
If you need a name I got a few 5th Edition D&D books if you need a name? :D
Separate names with a comma.