Comments on Profile Post by Saphiria

  1. QuannTan
    I love you.
    Jun 8, 2016
    Saphiria likes this.
  2. QuannTan
    Don't worry mate, I must wait for the prototype. I need to binge on the crafting.. :D
    Jun 8, 2016
    Saphiria likes this.
  3. Saphiria
    Trust me, you will love crafting as long as you have patience.
    Jun 8, 2016
  4. QuannTan
    Shoooot... I'm waiting for the prototype aren't I? I shall have enough patience! Also.. You sir are "SMASHING!"
    Jun 8, 2016
    Saphiria likes this.
  5. Saphiria
    Sorry, I must be out of the loop. What is "SMASHING"? I assume by me asking this that I am no longer "SMASHING".
    Jun 8, 2016
  6. QuannTan
    QuannTan -

    Old Nicolodeon Cartoon called "The Thornberries" the father figure always used to say "Smashing!" With a very britishy tone, it seemed funny to me! :D

    And No mate, you are still SMASHING!
    Jun 8, 2016