Username: EBDTV Discord Username: EBD416 Full Name: EBDTV Nickname(s): EBD Gender: Male Age: 24 Date of birth: June 15th 2381S Place of birth: Mainland Job: warrior Interests and hobbies: Fishing and lots of crafting. Can always be counted on for helping improve the ecomony. Religious Belief: EBDTV followed Phaedron, but changed his belief after moving to Elpida. Now he follows Legaros Signature Item (s): his signature item is a diamond he got after his parents passed away when he was younger. Now hes on the hunt for precious goods that have as much value as this diamond he has. He's not sure where to look first but he heard Ephida was a very good spot to check out. Story Paragraphs: EBDTV was a charming young person who just recently moved to Epida with high hopes of becoming really wealthy. Hes going to be in all different areas of the world but you'll never under estimate what he has to show for you. If its blacksmithing or if its slaying the monsters around the area. EBDTV will get it done quick and effectively. For his main profession its going to be warrior, but at the end of the day, hes going to be the one doing a lot of crafting and helping out the best he can. Growing up on the mainland was rough there was constantly so many problems EBDTV had to face and some of them were the passing of his parents, after they passed he decided to move to ephida and start from scratch and to have a better life. Now he's starting his adventure off in ephida and hes never looking back. He's looking forwarded to all the memories hes going to create. The mainland had so many opportunities but they don't match the opportunities that Ephida has to offer. EBDTV is looking very forward to his new adventures in ephida. The warrior profession will keep him busy for awhile but its nothing he can't handle. Some of the goods he's going to try to craft will be of absurd value and will help out the economy His life was rough on the mainland because his parents were blown up by creepers back in 2386S making EBDTV only a few years old. He had to fend for his self at a very young age which made him to grow up quicker than usual. With that being said I hereby grant you EBDTV! I guess you can say he wasn't really raised he was raised by the world of the mainland, where there were zombies, spiders, zombie pigman and so on. They taught him how to duel and to fight for himself.
Welcome to the server. This is a good start to your bio. However there are some problems: Firstly we use a diiferent year system (see ). If your character was 24 years old, he would have been born in 2381S. Secondly, the story is too short. It needs at least 3 more paragraphs, and it needs to tell the story of how you grew up on the mainland and how/why he decided to move to Elpida.
Nice! You misspelled Elpida a few times in your bio. I'm afraid its still a bit too short could you add 2 more paragraphs at the minimum? Some inspiration: How was he raised? Why was it so rough? How did his parents die? How did he deal with their death?
Hello! Firstly your character needs a first name and surname, we cannot accept EBDTV as your name. Secondly we don't have any zombies or pigmen in our world, so they need to be changed. And finally, please do not bump threads. We are working overtime to make sure the server is ready and will get to each bio soon. Thank you.