Name: Dragonborn God: Ignarus I grew up in a house of legends. My father and brother were all fearsome warriors and as the youngest I had a huge weight on my shoulders to try and live up to them. My family always claimed to have been descendants if Ignarus, God of Fire and War. My family has always been well known for their strength and efficiency in battle, however that was not enough to prove we were descendants of the gods. All our family had to back up the claim was Krux. A sword said to be used by Ignarus himself. It takes the form of a hilt when not in combat, once the user goes to enter the sword extendends from the hilt and is set ablaze by greek fire. The greek fire is a brilliant green/red combo and is able to stay alight in any environment. Krux has been passed down from generation to generation and now it's my time to wield the weapon of the gods. Along with the sword was a shield claimed to have been crafted by my great grandfather, Ignarus III, He chose to nam the beast after himself. It, just like Krux had a hidden design It was a basic arm hold which with some tension from your forearm muscles caused the shield to extend into a body sized tower shield with mystical carvings and a metal frame. I joined the royal army at 16 years of age and by 21 I was leading troops into battle. When the war died down there was no need for my services as a commander in the army anymore. It was then that I transferred to the head of guard for Emperor Claudius.I was there when he was assassinated. I tried to stop the attacker but he was just too this day, I just don't understand how he escaped into thin air. As one of the kings guards I was already a wealthy man and much respected, after the death of the emperor under my watch, I need a fresh start in a new land to put my past behind me.
Welcome to the server! This is a pretty good backstory, however some key information still lacks. We need a full character name (first/last name), your minecraft username, a date of birth for your character, his age and gender. You might also encounter some problems with your story lorewise and your signature item might be a bit overpowered. These are some useful links for writing your bio: Also feel free to check out some of the approved bios for some inspiration: If you have any questions feel free to contact me, org36, Alir99 or any other member of staff. The discord is always open.
Welcome! Quite a few things that need to be changed I'm afraid 1) Your character needs to have a full name, date of birth, age, gender and MC username as mentioned by @eragon43. 2) Your character cannot be related to any characters or figures we have in the official lore. So any descendants of Gods, Nobles and so on needs to be changed. 3) Signature item is too op and once again, cannot be related to any lore figures. 4) Your character cannot be the "best" in their field, so you cannot be a commander or head of guards. Let me know when you've changed it and good luck!