New Profile Posts

  1. Tammy Nguyen
    Tammy Nguyen
    shoot my name is tammy nguyen not tommy dang it .
    1. Saphiria
      We changed it! :)
      Apr 6, 2016
  2. Gelmir
    What even is this what even am I
  3. Voltageist
    Voltageist tcvs
    Hey I've been told to contact you for access to this server?
  4. Saphiria
    Saphiria Leviathan
    Hows life? :)
    1. Leviathan
      It's going good, doing lots of school work. But I miss playing on Frontiers so bad, I was searching around for other servers to play on. But nothing compares to frontiers. :') which personally is an amazing thing. It is why I love frontiers so much <3
      Apr 8, 2016
  5. FloThePony
    FloThePony Isaiha
    The Flash buddies!
  6. Waytago
    Eeeey! I have returned. I don't really know what to do now...
    1. Saphiria likes this.
    2. Saphiria
      Welcome back to Minecraft Frontiers!
      Mar 28, 2016
      Waytago likes this.
    3. Waytago
      Mar 28, 2016
  7. TheGuyNamedDerp
    A buddy pal chum chum friend buddy pal amigo of our almighty lord kevin spacey
  8. Saphiria
    Saphiria Gabe
    Happy Birthday Gabe! I hope to see you in-game.
  9. nidoranz
    Dat moment when u don't get ur friend's joke and make them slap u in the face
  10. nidoranz
    hey there! nice to meet you! (sry my english is bad,because i am not an english)
  11. Pwnzeye
    Want to join the server!
  12. Unstaqble
    Livin Life Like Dis
  13. FloThePony
    1. Alir99 likes this.
    2. Alir99
      Thanks Flo
      Feb 25, 2016
      FloThePony likes this.
  14. Saphiria
    Saphiria Oceanus
    Cool profile picture!
  15. Josh
    When you get a chance, embrace it to the best you can. ~Josh
  16. FloThePony
    :( y u do dis?
  17. FloThePony
    FloThePony Alir99
    So, you're 19? Wow! By the look of your profile picture, those anti-aging tablets really do work?
    1. Alir99
      Yeah I was a bit worried too, but once I got them from my local convenience store, I had some and I looked 14 again. Then I saw the expiry date and it was for the day after, so I thought why not? Took the whole package. I mean I look 2 now, buts it's definitely worth it.
      Feb 18, 2016
    2. FloThePony
      And do you like my signature?
      Feb 19, 2016
    3. Alir99
      Feb 19, 2016
  18. Saphiria
    Saphiria tcvs
    Happy Birthday!
    1. nidoranz and tcvs like this.
  19. Saphiria
    Saphiria Cldfire
    1. Cldfire
      Hey :)
      Feb 16, 2016
  20. Alir99
    What even is life?
    1. MR00GAMER likes this.