New Profile Posts

  1. Saphiria
    Saphiria Pwnzeye
    Happy Birthday! :)
  2. Saphiria
    Saphiria Cldfire
    Happy Birthday! :)
    1. Cldfire
      Thanks :)
      Jan 4, 2016
  3. Saphiria
    Saphiria Claw
    Hello! Are you going to post a biography?
  4. Saphiria
  5. Saphiria
    Saphiria Isaiha
    Yay! Your back on the team! Congrats! Maybe I will get to rejoin the team soon as moderator.
    1. Saphiria
  6. Saphiria
    Saphiria PepsiKnight
    Happy Birthday! :)
    1. PepsiKnight likes this.
    2. PepsiKnight
      Thanks! :D
      Dec 26, 2015
  7. jamestiger
    jamestiger Tomas
    Supernova now has an image! After you change his status I'll help him out with the whitelist info.
  8. jamestiger
    jamestiger Tomas
    Supernova has just posted his bio, it involves my character's background also, I'm just verifying that I condone it.
  9. Xalveris
    Beta Hype!
    1. Saphiria
      Hype! Have fun with Fallout 4. ;)
      Jan 7, 2016
  10. Saphiria
    Saphiria Darragh
  11. Saphiria
    Saphiria Luna
  12. Saphiria
    Saphiria jamestiger
    Make your biography!
    1. jamestiger
      SHUSH I'M BUSY!! Plus the draft keeps disappearing on me ;-; I'm going to have to make a short crappy one for the sake of neccesity. I guess I could revise it later.
      Dec 15, 2015
    2. Saphiria
      Yes, the draft doesn't stay that long... Its best to just PM to someone and just tell them to ignore that PM... :p
      Dec 15, 2015
  13. Saphiria
    Saphiria Tomas
    Happy Birthday! :)
  14. Saphiria
    Saphiria Leviathan
    1. Leviathan
      I've written two parts to the character bio and I'm seeing if it is any good based on feedback from friends. :)
      Dec 12, 2015
    2. Saphiria
      I love it <3
      Dec 31, 2015
  15. Saphiria
    Saphiria Thorvald_Eriksson
  16. Saphiria
    Saphiria Jon
  17. Saphiria
    Saphiria Dino957
  18. Saphiria
    Saphiria MisterErwin
    Are you going to join us in the beta?
    1. MisterErwin
      I guess :) It's the best way to find bugs and get some inspirations. And to have fun :)
      Dec 6, 2015
  19. Saphiria
    Saphiria nene
  20. Saphiria
    Saphiria Turmen8r