I now approve bios. If you want me to approve your bio, just send a message and I will check it out if it meets the standards.
Small suggestion for the Smart NPCs. If you hit an NPC, next time you go to them instead of saying "Oh hi! Mister Erwin!" they say something like: "Eh, it's YOU again. Mister Erwin" or "What do you want with me this time? " The reason I'm just asking on you're profile is because I feel like it's already been implemented.
Are there any plans to use a different XenForo theme? UI.X or anything? Or are you sticking with this one?
I did make one. That said, the main job of the staff is to make sure you guys have everything your heart desires. If you see us playing on the server all the time, something is wrong. :D
Yeah, sorry, holidays and then I left my charger at a friend's house so I couldn't play for another 2 weeks.