New Profile Posts

  1. QuannTan
    Maybe, i'll makea character who dislikes government? An anti-government priest?? That sounds like a bloody movie.. Hm. I like it.
    1. Nico and Saphiria like this.
  2. QuannTan
    I'm thinking about making a preist-like character.. But I don't know, he'd have no "Game impacting" talents.. Though the RP would be good!:D
    1. Nico and Saphiria like this.
  3. QuannTan
    I wonder if there is more info on the crafting in the server.. :?
    1. Nico and Saphiria like this.
  4. QuannTan
    I Love writing lore and Biographys.. 0<0
    1. Nico and Saphiria like this.
  5. QuannTan
    "Everyboy is Special. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody, Everybody has their story to tell." -V
    1. Nico and Saphiria like this.
  6. 55blinging55
    55blinging55 tcvs
    My bio was approved, I am hain. got told to msg you so tyah
  7. QuannTan
    Can't wait to play! I will never stop messing with the blacksmithing and jewlery.. -ing..
    1. Nico and Saphiria like this.
  8. QuannTan
    Finished the Bio, had to shorten it otherwise I wrote enough to cover a novel.
    1. Nico and Saphiria like this.
  9. Jakitybob3
    I'm just applying for staff.
  10. Ammino
    Ammino tcvs
    My Biography was approved and I was told to contact you, so here I am :)
  11. Ammino
  12. Alex - Duks
    Alex - Duks
    Sorry I've been studying for finals. I went off the radar for a bit :P
  13. Jay
    At the moment having a brawl with my cats ^~^
    1. Saphiria
      :P How did that end? Who won!
      May 19, 2016
    2. Jay
      I won the battle, but they won the war xD, they usually sleep on top of my legs and i wake up all sore.
      Jun 6, 2016
  14. Alex - Duks
    Alex - Duks
    Happy to be here!
    1. Saphiria
      I am glad you are here!
      May 19, 2016
  15. Saphiria
    Saphiria Ramses_II
    The prototype has started!
  16. Saphiria
    Saphiria DDevil_
    Hey! :) I am very excited to see how it turns out. Welcome to the forums!
    1. DDevil_ likes this.
  17. Saphiria
    Saphiria Tom Saunders
    Happy Birthday!
  18. SamuraiN1nja
    SamuraiN1nja tcvs
    My Bio has been Approved. thanks for allowing me to be accepted
  19. Tammy Nguyen
    Tammy Nguyen tcvs
    hey , my bio was approved. glad to be able to join this project and do early game access
  20. Gelmir
    I got one foot in darkness the other in a hello kitty rollerskate