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A titan is a piece of one God. Titans are actually part of a God, so by creating a Titan, a God is actually reducing their power. Ignarus gave up a fifth of his power to create Abris, so Abris has one fifth of Ignarus’s power, and Ignarus has one fifth less power. By hurting Abris you would be hurting Ignarus. Titan’s are actually extensions of Gods. Abris is Ignarus, but Ignarus is not Abris. Sort of like a hand is your body, but your body is not your hand. Titans are just dispersal of power, not creation of it. Phoebe and Alexander are NOT titans, as they are not actually pieces of Legaros and Aestheria, only creations.

All known titans:

-Abris, titan of the earth, piece of Ignarus

-Niraura, titan of water, piece of Marventa. She is seen as the queen of nymphs.