Which pieces of information to get:
- text
- Gives the parsed text of the wikitext.
- langlinks
- Gives the language links in the parsed wikitext.
- categories
- Gives the categories in the parsed wikitext.
- categorieshtml
- Gives the HTML version of the categories.
- links
- Gives the internal links in the parsed wikitext.
- templates
- Gives the templates in the parsed wikitext.
- images
- Gives the images in the parsed wikitext.
- externallinks
- Gives the external links in the parsed wikitext.
- sections
- Gives the sections in the parsed wikitext.
- revid
- Adds the revision ID of the parsed page.
- displaytitle
- Adds the title of the parsed wikitext.
- headitems
- Gives items to put in the <head> of the page.
- headhtml
- Gives parsed <head> of the page.
- modules
- Gives the ResourceLoader modules used on the page.
- indicators
- Gives the HTML of page status indicators used on the page.
- iwlinks
- Gives interwiki links in the parsed wikitext.
- wikitext
- Gives the original wikitext that was parsed.
- properties
- Gives various properties defined in the parsed wikitext.
- limitreportdata
- Gives the limit report in a structured way. Gives no data, when $1disablepp is set.
- limitreporthtml
- Gives the HTML version of the limit report. Gives no data, when $1disablepp is set.