Approved Zhalo Aurn's Biography

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Zhalo Aurn, Nov 24, 2015.


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  1. Zhalo Aurn

    Zhalo Aurn Citizen Retired Staff

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    Zhalo_Supercell's Bio

    Name: Zhalo Aurn
    Nickname(s): Aurn
    Gender: Male
    age: 29
    date of birth: Oct 11, 2354
    place of birth: Elpida
    Job(s): Blacksmith, Cartologist, and architect.
    hobbies: Graphing maps, Crafting with wood in spare time, building cottages for new settlers, and working in the smithy, hunting with a bow.
    Religious Beliefs: It is believed by my ancestors that my patron god is Metus and legaros.
    Signature item(s): My Grandfathers chariot blueprint.

    My Grandfather Aurn
    I owe it all to my Grandfather, a valiant (and boastful) Leader in the capital army. His name is Aurn of Centauri. His boastfulness is the reason why I ended up here in Elpida. He was tired of taking orders, following orders, and making orders, he wanted freedom, for him and his wife. so he challenged the only man he could think of who could give him and his wife freedom. Emperor Claudius could give the two freedom so he thought. He challenged the Emperor to a chariot race. So the Emperor accepted, but on some terms for it enraged the Emperor to have been challenged by on of his generals so he declared " If I win you die, if you win you and your wife may have your freedom and you may do what ever you shall like" and they set more terms and conditions and set a date " six months past this day will be the race" so he set to work within the forges, he had paid the blacksmith eight-teen galleons to build him some graceful and beautiful wheels, and paid twelve gallons for the trained horses each, surely you must think "he will of course win he's writing the story!" but there came a stump in the road, for he found no-one with the right trade who could craft the right chariot for him. so he learned the trade and studied physics and math while other soldiers thought it was silly although it benefited him greatly. so his father learned a new trade Math. and he crafted the finest and beautifulest chariot the was in the mainland. So the time came, the six months had past and many had come to the track to watch. the Emporer was afraid to lose to one of his subjects so of course he cheated and yet! Aurn of Centauri won and lived happily ever after. Turn Bought a home and the two bore a son and daughter named Antinious and Rachel. They raised their children until they became of age and had to live on their own, get married, and raise their own children. That is the end of my Grandfather's tale


    My Father
    My father never knew much about little of living a life on land because he spend thirteen years on a boat that was sailing to some stupid land didn't even know what the name was he heard rumors though he heard talk of it being called something like "Elpida" he never cared, never would he. One the sailors never did his work nor did he ever work as far as my father could tell. the sailor was never sober and always drunk some of the captains rum and red wine that he stole from below deck. and the drunken sailor always told him do his work for him like moping or cooking and cleaning. if Antinious didn't do it the cursed man beat him black and blue. His sister Rachel loved cooking and was taught how to cook by the maids on the ship, and she was a very good cook my father says. but the time came. when we arrived at Elpida. my father was still never very appreciative or thankful, he was always serious and stern. he married and had a son(thats me). my mother got ill and died of a fever that was speeding rapidly these days after her death, father almost committed suicide but I had to stop him, mother was all he cared about. I persuaded him with my words (and some Rum) to not do it. After that I always hated my father so I took after my Grandfathers name and I named myself Zhalo of Aurn.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Me, Zhalo Aurn

    My name is Zhalo. You must be thinking "what the heck is a name like that?" well I'll tell you, it means "to enjoy work alone", "always self-conscious , or considerate", it meant "to be Just", and "to be skilled in trade" (and I don't express my feeling that well). now that I have covered my name, lets talk about life.I live in the mining village where most resources are found. I have a Home near the mountain, not too big, not too fancy. I enjoy adventuring the woods, scaling cliffs, and moutains. I decided to take on the trade of working in a Smithy and in my free-time I would studied and make maps (I loved exploring the vast land of Elpida), and I would also help new settlers build new cottages to start a new life. And if I had time I would work as a carpenter. although the smithy was my favorite place to be I lived in a lovely home near the mining village and on work days I would travel to the town and trade, buy, and sell. Sometimes I would get some things from my father for a party (my father never cared for parties) I asked to get some famous red wine Pure de Fine (my favorite) and he replied "yes, its in the cellar" so I went down to the cellar and opened crates but I found something greater that the red wine. It was a blueprint to a beautiful chariot and it said Property of Aurn of Centauri *I gasped * so I took it home with the wine and studied the blueprint I wondered what my grandfather had used it for. I was idolizing the blueprint the only thing really special to me at this point I was curious to see if I could recreate it so I started. and I finally realized that the new life on Elpida was greater than any life on this world.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
    BobTheMan1110 likes this.
  2. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    I like the story a lot. Nice to see a biography focused around crafting. :)
  3. jamestiger

    jamestiger Known Citizen

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    Grrr. Must. Not. Point out. That. It's. Sorta. Kind of. Not. LORE COMPLIANT!

  4. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    I have to agree with that. The "Mainland" is not actual historical Rome, only inspired by it. So if the names are changed around, it should be fine.
  5. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Looks great! I cant wait to see you around. Thanks for all the work you put into the Mining Village.
  6. Zhalo Aurn

    Zhalo Aurn Citizen Retired Staff

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    Sorry about lore and such, I looked over it and timelines of my character and father and grandfather don't match up since Epida is only 3 years old.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  7. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    The dates are quite provisional at the moment. I wouldn't worry about those. It is likely Elpida is more than 3 years old.

    I think the main issue is the fact your story is Roman, while our server isn't. So just remove the names like Rome and you should be fine. :)
  8. Zhalo Aurn

    Zhalo Aurn Citizen Retired Staff

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    Tomas i edited and changed everything about Rome and such and changed the names so its lore clean! :p
  9. jamestiger

    jamestiger Known Citizen

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    Well except for the part where it says place of birth, other than that yeah!!
  10. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

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    @jamestiger The almighty biography inspector strikes again.
  11. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    Looks nice now. The main criteria behind approving these is to see people have made an effort. You can definitely see that here. :)
  12. Zhalo Aurn

    Zhalo Aurn Citizen Retired Staff

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    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
  13. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    So has Zhalo been accepted to the beta?
  14. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    Definitely. :)
  15. Zhalo Aurn

    Zhalo Aurn Citizen Retired Staff

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    Really!?! Thanks so much for accepting me! I am very hyped for the server, and the new website.
  16. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Nice bio. I'm commenting on everyone's saying 'welcome' but as you're retired staff I dunno... welcome back?
  17. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

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    @Zhalo Aurn has always been here. I think he has just been lurking in the background for awhile.
  18. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Yeah, he joined the forums a day after me and you (Jul 3, 2015)... He is more of a lurker. :p
  19. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    I like it. Hopefully I can see you helping around at Elpida.
  20. Zhalo Aurn

    Zhalo Aurn Citizen Retired Staff

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    Pretty much sums it all up.

    Yeah, I am not much of a poster.

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