Approved Zarck Dargorn's Character Biography

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by ThatMegaNinja, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. ThatMegaNinja

    ThatMegaNinja Traveler

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    Username: ThatMegaNinja
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): Itz_MegaNinja#1927
    Full Name: Zarck Dargorn
    Nickname(s): Dargs
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24
    Date of birth: 1/October/ 2381S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Guard for his town
    Interests and hobbies: Enjoys going down and watching what happens at the arena, also enjoys walking around and watching the world change and grow, enjoys raiding dungeons, helps out people when needed and hangs out wiht friends at the local tavern after his shifts end.
    Religious Belief: Does not have strong religious believes but goes and prays to Legaros sometimes for justice to prevail over chaos.
    Signature Item (s): A dagger with J.F carved into the oak wood hilt and a silver pocket watch with a picture of his family in it.


    The Dargorn family, especially Zarck's father were very well know and prominent merchants on the mainland up until 7 years ago when the murder of Zarck's Father happened, the murder took everyone by surprise and in fear the rest of his family he told them to move using most of the money they had left to send the family to Elpida while he stayed and hunted down the the murderer using the only clue he had, a dagger with the enitials J.F engraved into the oak wood hilt, that was left in the body of Zarck's dead father. The dagger he has kept and has planned to use to kill the person who brought pain, suffering and fear to all in the Dargorn Household. Before his family left for Elpida his mother gave him a silver pocket watch in which has a picture of all of his family together, so that he would never forget to return to them. After he sent his mother and siblings off he applied to be apart of the town's guards, being completely driven by his need for justice. During this time he found little about the dagger or the murder of his father. He started going undercover in the underground to find out more about it. It took 7 years from the murder being in the guard and undercover to find some type of lead. he found out that someone whom had another dagger that looked the same who also went by the intials of J.F boarded a ship going to Elpida.

    After finding this lead, he resigned from the guard and sold any possesions that weren't of importance to his family, and raided his secret stash of money that he hid after the he sent his family away for safe keeping. He also gave the town permision to use the house as a way to house some of the guards if needed, only after he hid everything of importance so that none of it would be stolen. He paid respects to his father for the last time in possibly forever, prayed to Legaros for protection over his families possesions and himself, he also prayed that justice should come to anyone that tries to steal or sell anything in that house that belongs to the Dargorns. After everything was complete he hastily boarded a ship with one thing in his mind; the justice of his father's murder finally coming true.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome!

    A good bio, everything checks out :D

    Consider it approved.

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