Approved Yaromir Murmur Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by ChaseTES, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. ChaseTES

    ChaseTES Traveler

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    Username: ChaseTES
    Discord Username: ThornRidge #1659
    Full Name: Yaromir Murmur
    Nickname(s): Murmur
    Gender: Male
    Age: 24 years old
    Date of birth: March 16th 2381S
    Place of birth: Mainland, Patraeia
    Job: Assassin for hire, Thief
    Interests and hobbies: Alchemy
    Religious Belief: Believes in the God Phaedron
    Signature Item (s): Egyptian Khopesh (Sickle like sword) from his mother

    Story Paragraphs: Yaromir Murmur was born to a single-mother who lived in poverty among a large city in Patraeia. He and his mother lived in an alley next to a butchers shop, underneath a make-shift canvas tent. The tent was shared by many homeless men and women who were all trying to survive until their next meal. Murmur's mother took care of him the best she could. She would give up her share of scraps to him so he would not starve and she would even steal supplies from others so she could look after her son.

    Her thievery caught up with her one day. The now 13 year old Yaromir and his mother waited outside a local bread-smith. Their plan was to simply break the large window up front, grab handfuls of bread, and sprint for the cover of the city's alleys. They were shoveling large amounts of bread when a city guard came around the corner. Yaromir was tackled to the ground as the guard attempted to restrain him. His mother reacted quickly, she ripped out an old Egyptian Khopesh from the rags she wore. She had stolen it from a traveling merchant many years before and only ever used it as a last minute defense. She swiftly sliced through the guard, freeing Yaromir. Many more guards began to swarm the street and grabbed Murmur's mother. He was left unable to help her as the guards swarmed her and beat her for her misdeed. Her frail body was unable to take the beating, and she died whilst many guards repeatedly kicked and punched her.

    Many years later, Yaromir heard of a rich collecter who had a certain weapon in his collection. This weapon was his mothers stolen Khopesh. Fueled with aged anger and hatred, Murmur decided to use the skills he had learned on the street to steal back his mothers only possession. In the dark of night, he snuck into the collecters large mansion, and made his way through the massive collection. After he finally reached the unique sword, which he was able to verify was truly his mothers by the dark steel and red stained handle, he was ambushed by two private guards. In a rush, he used the Khopesh to behead the men and started to run for the exit. He felt a large thump as the overweight collector tackled him to the ground. The collector reared back with what looked to be an ancient hammer, preparing to strike the intruder down. Yaromir reached for where he had dropped his weapon and slashed it across the mans body.

    Yaromir was now fearful for what would happen to him. The collector was a very popular man among the rich and powerful, including politicians, and he knew he would have the Patraeian army after him. Nowhere would be safe and he would be caught within the week. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw an article in which the collector had been reading, talking about a new and wealthy land away from Patraeia. Thinking quickly, he grabbed a chunk of the currency the collector kept under his bed and he bounded quickly towards the port. He would have to stay hidden in this new land, but that did not matter to him. His only chance of survival was on that next ship.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome!

    Really nico bio, couldn’t find anything wrong with it.
    Hope to see you in Elpida soon!

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