Approved Yalden Hemmingway Biography

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Apoxed, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. Apoxed

    Apoxed Verified Traveler

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    Username: apoxed

    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): apoxed#1889

    Full Name: Yalden Hemmingway

    Nickname(s): Yald, Hem

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Date of birth: March 9th 2387S

    Place of birth: Middle Class Plazas of the Mainland

    Job: Chef and Potion Merchant

    Interests and hobbies: When Yalden is not cooking and trading he loves to garden and do some interior decorating.

    Religious Belief: Metus

    Signature Item (s): Yalden brought to his new life is a rose his mother gifted him and a letter of advice from his merchant father.

    Born into a loving family, Yalden grew up as an only child in the middle class suburbs of the Mainland. Living with his merchant father and mother Yalden experienced an uneventful life. He learned the art of trade under his father and soon became a minor merchant himself while helping run his father’s shop. When he was not running the shop, Yalden would help his mother tend to her personal garden. During the winters, Yalden devoted himself to the crafting of potions and mastering cooking. Developing a talent for cooking Yalden dreamed of one day opening his own kitchen for travellers of all kinds. He lived a daily life of rinse and repeat. Although he was well acquainted with everyone and live comfortably, Yalden could not handle the boredom of the mainland. Always hearing the same rumors of potential war, corruption, and chaos, Yalden heard of a new rumor to spark his journey.

    One day as Yalden is following his daily activities in his father’s shop, a customer entered. He notices the customer is not a regular. Yalden introduced himself and ask if there is anything the customer needed help finding. Indeed the customer needed help, he had a list of odd items that resemble items an explorer would need. Yalden ask the man as he retrieve items for him what in the blue seas was the man planning to do, all the land around the Mainland had been domesticated and explored, there was no need for such items. The customer asked if he had not heard, there as been new continent discovered. This was Yalden’s chance, a new place to open his kitchen for travelers. A new land to discover new foods and ingredients, maybe even new items to craft.

    During supper with his family, Yalden announced his decision. He is moving to Elpida. His parents debated it between each other but decided Yalden is a grown man, he is ready to venture on his own. Yalden gathered his items and with one last farewell he boarded the ship, but not without receiving a gift from his mother, a rose blessed by the God Metus, and a letter of advice from his father. The letter contains key factors in keeping the business alive, things he was never able to teach Yalden before he left. During his travels he prayed to the god Metus, to bless him with success and fortune in this new unexplored land.

    Alir99 likes this.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A beautiful bio!

    Welcome to the community :D

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