Approved Xalveris' Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Xalveris, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Minecraft Username: Xalveris
    Discord Username: Xalveris#1401

    Full Name
    : Xalveris Mynthro Alagsean
    Nickname(s): Xalveris, or Xal (by friends and family)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Date of birth: Sometime in 2362S
    Place of birth: A small island off the coast of the Mainland.
    Current residence: Various inns around town
    Job: A few part-time jobs to keep him healthy
    Interests and hobbies: Fighting, adventuring, and reading
    Religious Belief: Ignarus and Legaros
    Signature Item (s): Echeron, the family sword, and the blade he had forged and brought with him on his journey.
    His childhood
    Xalveris was born in a homestead, not outstanding, on a small island not too far from the Mainland. His parents were visiting his grandparents, who were growing old and his grandfather was particularly frail. It was at a moment of both sadness and joy; moments after he was born, his grandfather passed away in a chair across the room, smiling and seemingly at peace. Xalveris was an only child, and he grew up on his parents' farm out in the countryside, a day's travel from the main city. He lived with his parents and his pet dog. He had a few friends from neighboring farms, but spent most of his time working on the farm. When he had free time, he would either explore out in the surrounding land or spend time reading one of the few books his family owned.
    One day, when he was eleven, his father took him on a trip into the city to sell some of the year's harvest. He stared in awe at an adventurer that had stopped in by, telling a story about how he had gone to Elpida with the colony ships and some of the amazing things he had found. The next day, he took some food and ran out to a clearing in the forest, that only he knew about, where he had collected many interesting things he found. He took a nice, big stick he had found before, stuck some other supplies in a bag, and made out further than he had ever gone before. Near sunset, he realized he should really get back home, and hoped nobody was searching for him and worrying everyone. He hurried back, and exited the side of the forest facing town, and stopped in his tracks.

    The disaster

    Half the village was on fire, with livestock running everywhere, fields trampled, and people screaming. Xalveris stood there in shock, watching as a large group of bandits destroyed all he had known as home. The one scene most burned into his bind as one bandit, with a scar across his left brow, laughed as he chopped Xalveris' mother up, crying and screaming, helpless as her life was taken from her. He crawled back into the forest and curled up in a ball, and cried himself to sleep. The next morning, he woke up, and his first thought was to run back to town and tell his mother he was all right, he had just accidentally fell asleep after a long day of exploring.
    When he reached the village, it quickly sunk in that what he had seen last night had really happened. All that was left were the charred remains of homesteads, slaughtered livestock, and squashed plants. He ran to his house, and found the only thing left standing was the stone fireplace. He sank down on his knees, and cried for everything he had lost. He swore that he would find a way to avenge his family, his friends, and his village. He swore that one day, he would find those bandits and get his revenge.
    Eventually, he stood up and took a moment to assess the situation. He remembered one day he had seen his father put something behind one of the stones in the fireplace after returning home from the city. He rushed over, tried many stones, and eventually found one lose. He pulled it out, and lo and behold, there was a small bag with some gold in it. He took that, and also looked for the family sword, hoping it could offer some protection if he faced anything in the future, but it was gone. The bandits must have taken it.

    What next?
    This was the question Xalveris asked himself as he began to walk toward the city, unsure of that would become of him. About an hour into the journey, some soldiers rode up and asked him what he was doing all alone. He told them what happened, and the soldiers said that another party had already gone to look for the bandits. The soldier sat him on a horse, and took him back to the city.
    Xalveris spent the next few years apprenticing at a blacksmith, kind enough to house him after his troubles. He worked hard, learning the new trade, always with the shadow in the back of his mind, reminding him of his pledge and of what he had promised to one day do. He always kept the gold hidden or with him at all times. One day, when he was 22, the blacksmith told him that he had taught him the best he could do, and said that he could make one thing to take with him wherever he go next. Xalveris chose to make a new blade, knowing it could never replace the family sword lost before, but perhaps he could craft a new story with it.
    For the next year, he worked enough to keep himself eating and healthy, when one day he got news of a ship leaving for Elpida. This sparked the memory in his mind, and he ran for the docks. When he got there, the captain said he was one lucky guy, there was only two spots left. Xalveris pulled out the old pouch of gold, and it barely covered the cost of the trip and the essentials during the voyage. He kept the other money he had saved to buy anything he needed when he arrived.

    As the boat arrived at the docks, at sunrise, Xalveris stared into the distance, hoping he could begin anew, and make good on his promise. He felt confident as he stepped onto the dry land, and this is where his new life began...

    --==End Bio==--

    Well, that took me a long while to write. There might be a few inconsistencies, as I kept having new ideas as I wrote. Please notify me if there are any and I will fix them. Thanks for reading!​

    Note: I know I'm a bit late, and may not have participated from the very start, but I've kept watch on MC frontiers for a long, long time. I'm dissapointed in myself that I didn't manage to join in right at the beginning due to other circumstances, but I hope I can still be included as an original beta tester. It's always been on my bucket list to be involved with something like this from the very start. Thank you for taking your time to listen to me.

    Edit: I see that the indenting is messed up, but I don't know how to fix it. Sorry.​
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  2. tcvs

    tcvs Administrator Administrator Developer

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    By the sounds of it, you might be interested in participating in the beta. Feel free to apply here. Once it is processed and approved you will be added to the beta team.

    From my quick glance over, your character is really panning out. Keep up the good work!
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
  3. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Alright, I've officially submitted my beta application there. I would have done so earlier, but wasn't sure if I was supposed to put it on the forums or follow that link. I left a link to this page in place of re-typing my bio in the application, so hopefully that's ok.

    Thanks! I like to do creative writing occasionally, but never have any inspiration. Having something to go on here let me put that skill to use some.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015

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