Approved Volaris Flavius Bio - (Zenta)

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Zenta, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Zenta

    Zenta Traveler

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    Username: Zenta
    Discord Username Zenta: Zenta #6912
    Full Name: Volaris Flavius
    Nickname(s): Flavi, Voli
    Gender: Male
    Age: 42
    Date of birth: 21 December 2363S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Merchant. Former Sailor.
    Interests and hobbies: Agrarian Interests and Wealth.
    Religious Belief: Patreon God of the Flavius family - Metus.
    Signature Item (s): A wax stamp with my family's seal - A Stag.


    The grandiose of the Patraeian Shipwrights stand before me! Glittering brass work shines bright in the face of Metus. Fine woodworking of only the most suitable timber. Glorious white sails that catch the wind as is dashes past, as too does it catch your hair. My father would have been proud to work on a ship this beautiful. He made some fine boats in his day, my father did. All the fishermen of the village had a boat made by his shipwright. And as I grew, I knew I would be at the head of one of my father's ships. As one year turned to the next, the ship I would call my own would be made and I would sail to the ends of the (my) known world.

    Throughout my travels, I picked up exotic river fish (from up the river), sold them for plump dates (from the local plantation), and traded them on for sea salt. Though this was... somewhat profitable, it was no means to create a living. I set sail for the mythical city of Patraeia. I had only heard of it through great epics. It was here that I gained useful skills of the trade - negotiation, bartering, politics.

    I had worked my way up through trading and bartering goods from distant merchants and sold the goods locally, sometimes a couple of villages over. Saving enough money to comfortably afford to rent an outer-wall dwelling. It was not a bad life, better than most. I enjoyed the open air, free of the stench of thousands of humans crammed together inside the city. Fate plays cruel tricks though. One day while standing in the door of my dwelling, I overheard several militia men discussing the horrendous, barbaric, raids on the frontier villages - Looting everything of value and burning the rest to ashes; leaving no survivors. I was distraught, the lives of innocent people ruined! I regained my composure and left my house to speak to the militia-men. I asked one of them where it happened; my home town. Everyone, killed. No survivors. My mother... Father... siblings - dead. I knew I had no life left in Patraea. I sold my boat and all of my belonging and bought a one-way ticket to Elpidia, which is where I leave you now.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Very interesting writing style.

    Consider yourself approved :D

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