Approved The Character Bio of Nxcc Altheolas

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by nxcc_, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. nxcc_

    nxcc_ Traveler

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    Username: not_nxcc
    Discord Username: n x c c #6538
    Full Name: Nxcc Altheolas (the X is silent)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Date of birth: 28/03/2387S(?)
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Apprentice scholar / Soon to be full-time explorer
    Interests and hobbies: Engrossed with Elpida’s developments and yearns to explore the new land to follow in his late parents footsteps
    Religious Beliefs: Agnostic, but respects all the gods and their followers. However, if he had to choose, (as identifying as an agnostic was quite unheard of) he would be a follower of Aestheria.

    The Prologue of Nxcc Altheolas
    The stairs of the Central Mainland Library crumbled beneath Nxcc Altheolas’s feet. He frantically leaped down towards the salt and peppered moustached man. It was today! Today was the day! He felt like he was going to burst from excitement. He could see it. The envelope. The seal. The twinkling eyes of his mentor.

    “Master Newgene! Sorry I was getting-“

    Newgene raised a finger to his curled moustache, ushering Nxcc to be silent.

    “I’m sure you’ve heard the story many times before. The story 13 years ago, about your parents embarking on their first expedition. Tasked with documenting everything about the land of Elpida.”

    Nxcc let out a heavy, hidden sigh.

    “You couldn’t imagine how astounded we were by their findings. They wrote back to us about giant undead creatures or creatures that would haunt the night sky. Things we couldn't possibly comprehend. But-”

    Master Newgene gazed in a far away place. He let out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding.

    “If only Marventa had mercy on your parents…they may still be with us today.”

    Nxcc wasn’t listening. He didn’t know what he was supposed to feel, his parents were always a distant memory to him. And everyone loved reminding Nxcc of this tragic bedtime story of the death of his parents - explorers fated to die by the gods. But the envelope, it tugged at him more and more. What’s inside? What’s that seal? Is it a ticket? It HAS to be.

    “And so I entrust this task-.”Nxcc swiped the envelope from the master’s calloused hands.

    “I’m honoured!” Nxcc tore the envelope like an eager child on Aether's Moon.

    “What? For sending you to a scholar in the next town?"

    Disappointment crept up Nxcc’s body as he slumped forward, the envelope dangled at the tip of his fingers.

    Well that’s a first.”

    “Yes, of course Master Newgene.”

    The master twirled his moustache, and let out a deafening chuckle.

    “You are much too gullible! I’m only kidding son. This is nothing other than the ticket to Elpida!” He placed a hand on Nxcc’s shoulder.

    “Your task is to continue your parent’s legacy.”

    The ticket shook between Nxcc’s quivering fists. His eyes danced over every single word. This was what he had been waiting for. He was right! It was today! Today was the day! He would no longer be stuck in the Mainland. No longer just be counting bird populations. Nxcc would become an explorer of Elpida just like his parents.

    “I’ve taught you everything you need to know to look out for yourself.”

    Master Newgene rose from his seat. Nxcc instinctively followed only to have Newgene wrap his arms around him in a tight embrace.

    “Do be careful. I expect you to come home for Aether’s Moon.”

    Nxcc felt tiny droplets on his shoulder. It was the first time he’s ever seen Master Newgene cry. His arms lingered a second longer as he whispered,

    “Marventa, please protect him.”

    Story Notes
    • The Altheolas were a couple of explorers apart of a bigger group that was tasked with documenting and researching all parts of Elpida.
      • Unlike the others, they seemed to be attracted to the idea of other civilisations already existing or once existed on the continent and wished to prove that this was true.
    • Master Newgene was a close friend of the Altheolas couple and took care of Nxcc whilst they were away on their expeditions.
      • Master Newgene obtained a ticket to Elpida by calling in a few favours.
    • The Altheolas were reported to have died at sea after attempting to make it back home.
      • For some unexplained reason, they wished to travel alone and return back to the Mainland before they were scheduled to. Rumour has it that they were hiding sensitive information about the new country.
    • Nxcc has a difficult relationship with faith. He refused to believe that his parents' deaths were justified even in the eyes of the 6.

    Signature Item
    The Altheolas Journal
    When Nxcc lands on the island, he’ll eventually find a journal that was hidden beneath the sands that was written by his father. It is unfinished, partially destroyed and faded. However, some pages hint to his parents surviving the storm that was supposed to kill them. He would use this journal to document his own journey and quest to find his parents. ​
    Alir99 likes this.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Oh wow!

    This is an amazing bio, really nice work :D

    Consider it approved!
    nxcc_ likes this.

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