Approved Sapphire Lumenscia - Biography.

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by _Henruuu_, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. _Henruuu_

    _Henruuu_ Traveler

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    Username : _Huuu_
    Discord Username : _iLizzie#1014
    Full Name : Sapphire Lumenscia
    Nickname : N/A
    Gender : Female
    Age : 20
    Date of Birth : 31st of October. 2385S
    Place of Birth : Mainland
    Job : Alchemist. Doubles as a Historian for Aestheria when needed or bored.
    Interests and Hobbies : Gathering Ingredients for her work. Researching about Aestheria. Visiting her parent's graves.
    Religious Belief : Aestheria, Goddess of Beauty, Learning, Arts, and the Moon. She is very devoted to Aestheria and believes that without her. The world would not be how it is today and would be very undeveloped. She also believes that Aestheria keeps the moon from crashing into the Earth, and is thankful for her protection.
    Signature Item : - Scrolls of Aestheria that have been passed down through her family.

    Backstory : When Sapphire lived in the mainland, she lived with her mother, Vienna, and her father, George. Her mother was also an Alchemist, whilst her father was a Merchant. She often worked with her mother more than her father. So she has been brewing ever since she was a young girl around the age of 7. Life was pretty good for the Lumenscia family. They lived in a pretty good house for a Merchant Class family, and was successfully running a Merchant Stall and was also selling brews and potions from their house. Everything seemed to be going perfectly in Sapphire's life. She was really happy, and so was her family.
    As time went on. Sapphire grew up and matured into a beautiful young maiden, and was often admired by all the men around town. Young and... old... However, her father was very protective of his only child and often was seen scaring them off.

    However, when Sapphire was 17, she was upstairs home alone, brewing. All seemed to be going well and it was her first time brewing by herself, so she was feeling pretty confident. Though, Sapphire got distracted by some scrolls that she had found and started reading them. Suddenly, a fire started and second by second, the whole room was engulfed in flames. Sapphire panicked and grabbed the scrolls and ran out of the house to get help... But... what she didn't realise... is that both her parents were at home and sleeping as they had just had a very busy night the day before, and we're extremely shattered... Sapphire went for help. But when help came to 'save the day' they discovered the bodies of Vienna and George... burnt to a crisp...

    Elpida : After accidentally killing her parents. Sapphire was in distraught. Everywhere she went, she saw things that reminded her of her beloved parents and she hated every moment of it... She wanted to get away... She had to get away...
    One time when walking through town she overheard a few townsmen talking of this "Elpida"... and it sounded like exactly what she needed. She then joined in their conversation and asked about this "Elpida"... they said it's this glorious wealthy city and so much more... and this... this is exactly what Sapphire needed. She asked how to get there, and they said that you go by boat and that the boat leaves near the end of this month. Sapphire discovered what she needed to do, so she rushed home and thanked Aestheria for giving her a chance to start a new life. She gathered all of her leftover money and some how... she had enough for that boat ticket! So as soon as that boat came... she was straight on it and she was ready for her new adventure!
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A nice bio, it took me off-guard when the house caught fire. Nonetheless, consider yourself approved!

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