Approved Sam Green's Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by ProdigyGreen, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. ProdigyGreen

    ProdigyGreen Traveler

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    Username: SongMonkey
    Discord Username: Prodigy #8478
    Full Name:Samuel Green
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Date of birth: January 2, 2388
    Place of birth: Patraeia
    Job: Farmer
    Interests and hobbies:
    Makes banner flags for fun and loves to explore the new world
    Religious Belief: Sam is aligned with the Gods Metus and Marventa

    Signature Item: Sam carries a lucky hoe that his family believes to bring luck in farming to the one who farms with it and they will never know famine.


    Samuel's family was never upper-class, they even struggled staying middle-class, especially in a six person household the men in the family work on the farms as it was the only job that would hire teens. Sam and his twin brother Theo worked in the fields, and his father and younger brother worked in the stables. With the boys working on the farms that left Sam's mother and younger sister at home to do the chore work.

    Sam and his brother Theo were put to working the fields as they were more fit for that kind of labor then their father and younger brother. Once learning the skills of farming from the other workers Sam was able to do the work of two people but that was one a good day. One day while working in the fields, Sam overheard someone talking of this place was of their buddies went and how he heard there was so much gold no one had to do labor and everyone that went there became as rich as a king.After hearing the rumors and tales of this wondrous land Sam's parents decided that he should go.

    They picked Sam because he is the oldest of his siblings. After their decision his family started saving money to buy Sam a spot on one of the ships. His family worked tirelessly for over half a year saving up their money until that fateful day they had saved enough to get Sam a spot on the next ship. Sam spent the next week in wait for the departure day and when that day came it was almost scary Sam was leaving his safe life behind to go somewhere he know almost nothing about.

    Before getting on the ship and saying goodbye each of his family gave him an item. His Mother and Father gave him the families lucky hoe so the he will have luck with farming, Theo gave him a journal to write about his adventures, His younger brother and sister gave him a map a compass so that he'll never get lost. With the goodbyes all said Sam climbed onto the ship and set sail for Elpida.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcomet to the server! This is a good start to your bio, however it is a bit too short. I need at least 2 more paragrapghs to approve this.
    If you need some inspiration here are some ideas:
    How was he raised?
    How did he learn to farm?
    How did he hear about Elpida?
    Why did he decide to go?
    Why him?

    Also if your character is 17 years old i think he would have been born in 2388S.
  3. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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