Approved Rhode Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Barf, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. Barf

    Barf Traveler

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    MC Username: Barfy
    Discord Username: Barf#6502

    Full Name: Rhode Calimeris Onassis
    Nickname(s): Roe
    Gender: Female
    Age: 21
    Date of birth: April 23rd, 2384S
    Place of birth: Outskirts of mainland-- a humble oikos residing in a nearby mining town
    Job: To be determined
    Interests and hobbies: Navigating and the study of animals
    Likes: Grass, sunny days, nettles, smooth stones, her Dad, weaving garments, sketching, dogs, nature
    Dislikes: Storms, rats, messes, bossy people, the cold
    Religious Beliefs: Roe finds heavy inspiration in Marventa and Metus
    Signature Item (s):
    Appearance: A wiry, 5’2” female with pale olive skin, hazel eyes, and tousled, curly brown hair. She wears a loose white tarnished chiton with a himation and a green belt wrapped around her chest.

    Being born only a day after Marventa’s Bounty, Rhode’s parents deemed her as a prodigy child blessed by Marventa herself. Her Mom, Nefeli was the task master, the decider of everyone’s direction in life. All of our academia and pleasure were dictated by her. Although stern and scolding, she was simply keeping ordinance with their sparse budget. She was proud of her mediator role and was a respected innovator, sewing beautiful garments for her children and townspeople. Among Rhode were her four younger sisters: Elpis, Theora, Cyrene, and Ursa. Being the eldest, Rhode had to carry out the disapproved consensus of domestic chores under strict guidance. Each day stretched thin with cleaning, cooking meals, teaching her younger siblings, and weaving garments. Rhode did have a creative and dedicated talent for helping others, yet she had few options for letting off steam. The day would always brighten when her family would walk down to their shrine, praying for safe travel for their father, Egan. Egan was a go-getter and tender-hearted. When he smiled or laughed, the oikos would light up and everyone would be in a better mood in a heartbeat.
    He spent most days traveling to various towns as a merchant. During his free time, Egan and Rhode would explore the woods, foraging for elder, mushrooms,dandelions, nettles and other plants. Having no male heritance, Egan kept Rhode as an apprentice, teaching her basic survival and navigation. When her siblings were old enough to carry out her chores, Rhode would join Egan in his travels, selling her mother’s garments. They shared a common bond: nature. In the forest, Rhode felt a sense of kinship with the flora. Here, serenity flows like a cool river and Rhode can expand her brain and soul. From a single seed to the blazing sun, Rhode saw everything linked to a special purpose. She had a deep appreciation for the creations of Marventa and Metu, always humming their prayers and burning offerings. They were her guidance: every tree facing facing the south is more lush and green, the stars tell you a story where to go, and the sun determines your direction. Almost all animals Rhode has encountered had a unique soul. Especially, wolves. Although they are deemed as aggressive, they are quite docile and shy. If you look closely, you can see intelligence in their eyes and serenity. Much like humans, they cooperate and help each other altruistically. Surely Aestheria is their God.
    In the later years of Rhode’s life, her family was blessed with a son named Leo, leaving him with Egan’s heritance. For years, Rhode has heard news of Elpida and it’s growing economy. Pertenus repeals his ban on exploration of Insularis, meaning Rhode has the potential to explore a whole new region. With her family being settled under Leo and her siblings taking her place in the household, Rhode took up the opportunity to sell her garnaments and foraged herbs to the townspeople. With little money she had gathered in two years, Rhode bought a passage to Elpida and bid farewell to her family.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server! This is a very good bio! I really liked reading it, however i did see some mistakes. Near the end you write: "Surely Anesthesia is their God". I think you meant Aestheria as to my knowledge we do not have a god named Anesthesia. Also you mention: "Phaedron’s ban of traveling". I think you mean the ban the senator Pertentus placed on exploring the island Insularis. This bans still allowed people to travel to insularis, but they were not allowed to leave Elpida.
    Anyway, as I said, very good bio. If you could change those things, I will certainly approve this bio.
  3. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Awesome, this bio is approved!

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