Religion Question.

Discussion in 'Help' started by QuannTan, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Alright ya'll, so I was sittin' around thinkin' to myself about some D&D ideas for a new campaign, then an idea came to me. Cults.

    So as to my question , is there any particularly "Evil" cults in Elpida, or cults in general? Ex: "Cult of Bones," "Church of the Damned," "Children of the forgotten Mother," Etc.

    Or is the only religious deities in the world the ones depicted on the forum?

    Not that I would have my character want to be in a cult (Yet.), I'm more or less just curious! :grinning:

    Thanks mates! Sorry if I ask to many questions! :laughing:
    Nico likes this.
  2. cman64

    cman64 Lore Lore

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    Well, define evil...:imp:

    Currently, there are no definable "evil" factions/cults currently in the lore. That's not to say that you can't look at the current deities as being cults, because you easily can. Some people could argue that Ignarus or Phaedron are "evil".

    You could even argue that they're more neutral in a sense. You could produce your own cult on the values that each deity represents(i.e. Ignarus and war), or produce an entirely new cult worshiping a god not in the lore or isn't widely accepted(false gods)(i.e. spaghetti monster). However, I would save these kinds of groups/ ideas til a tad after release in my own opinion simply due to the fact that everyone will need time to settle into the world.
    Alir99 likes this.
  3. GiantLion11

    GiantLion11 Citizen

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    I've always seen Phaedron as the closest we have to a cult. Ignarus, in my opinion, or more like an indiscriminate god of war, who simply likes anyone who enjoys battle, but I feel Phaedron is more complex. To me, Phaedron is worshiped by not only criminals, but also rebels and outcasts. Anyone who wants some kind of radical change or feels as if life has dealt them a bad hand.
  4. QuannTan

    QuannTan Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    Interesting.. :imp:

    I was not planning on creating one.. Immidiantly. But thinking of false gods, I think that would be an interesting concept for someone to portray. Or, heck, even in general playing a cult-like character. Hm..

    Thanks for the feedback @cman64 and @GiantLion11 I will.. Think. On this. :)
    Nico likes this.

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