Approved Oberon Wakelust Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Ben, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. Ben

    Ben Traveler

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    Username: [Beennyboii}
    Discord Username:[Best Boy#0459]
    Full Name: [Oberon Wakelust]
    Nickname(s): [Obe]
    Gender: [Male]
    Age: [45]
    Date of birth: [12/November/2360S]
    Place of birth: [Mainland]
    Job: [He was his town’s mayor and skilled bard]
    Interests and hobbies: [traveling around the world spreading song, speaking to the youth, and reading books to gain knowledge]
    Religious Belief: [Aestheria]
    Signature Item (s): [A silver watch on a chain that no longer works and his wooden lute]

    Oberon was raised in a very small mountain town on the mainland, his parents were traveling performers and talented musicians. Because of this oberon didn’t see them very often and was raised by the towns mayor. Oberon was focused on perfecting the lute and becoming a travelling performer like his parents, maybe even one day owning his own traveling band. When Oberon turned 17 he heard the news of his fathers death, he was stabbed while performing by some drunk man. Oberon put his dreams of playing the lute behind him and focused on studying politics, he spent most of his young adult life in the library. Once the mayor had died, he took his place becoming a very strong leader. While ruling he found his heart was still in music after finding the old oak lute from his childhood, he started playing again and became very renowned for the story’s and songs he wold sing in the town square at night. He started to make a bit of money on the side from making music which he saved over the years.

    After 43 years inside of his town and 13 years of saving, Oberon finally decided to leave the town and head to Elpida, he had heard news of Elpida being a musical hotspot and full of opportunity. he decided to spend his savings to catch a large exploration boat to Elpida. When he arrived he began searching to recruit people and spread his name around town.

    Oberon is known as a fair and caring man, he always comes into things with a level head because of his upbringing. He loves to talk and learn from others and will sometimes not input anything to a conversation other than ask questions. He prefers to avoid confrontation but is competent with the sword if it comes to it.

    Oberons, special items are a small watch on a necklace that no longer works and his oak lute "amethyst"

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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome!

    Firstly, can you please add a day and month to your character's date of birth. Secondly, can you add at least 1 more paragraph about your character's personality or background?

  3. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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