Approved Nick's character Bio.

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Nicholas, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. Nicholas

    Nicholas Traveler

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    Full Name: Theon Sostais
    Nickname(s): Theo, though the name is used only by my siblings and parent's.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Date of birth: June 27th, 2,369S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Current residence: A handful of undisclosed locations.
    Job: Seller of fish.
    Interests and hobbies: Psychology (just the smatterings he has picked up from open lessons in courtyards and old, crumbling scrolls), running, reading, writing, war strategy.
    Religious Belief: Theon's past has scarred him from most religious ground, yet said events made him influence Phaedron as a neutrality.
    Signature Item (s): None.

    Theon's birth was similar to that of a bargain. His life in trade for his mothers. Perhaps that's the reason for his fathers resentment, yet that is still a mystery to be had. Theon was the youngest in a house of five. Himself, his brothers Keos and Danaos, his older sister Eris, and his father Dorian. The house had sat precariously along a river bank, supported only by two great ashen pillars, sprawled with algae. The river itslef was their lifeline, as it provided them money, food and protection. Theon and his brothers would be sent out at dawn to spear fish and gather rock crabs, walk into town at noon to sell them, and return at dusk to repeat the drawl for another day. Dorian had many virtues, and unluckily for the boys, one of them was hard labor, along with beatings and fasting for weeks on end. Darion was a religious fanatic. Their entirety of their house was devoted to Marventa, goddess of the sea, stars and wind. If he so much as saw one of their children step barefoot or spit into the river, he would beat them with an old, knotted piece of wood. The only one Theon could confide in was his sister, Eris, who worked with their father to brew his potions. She would always take the time to kiss his brow when he went to sleep, and talked to him besides the price of a small snapper or the location of whist the crab was caught. His life was agony, yet it all shifted with the flick of a wrist, literally. He and his brothers were returning from an unsuccessful day at the market to find the house ablaze. It was by far too hot to approach, so they sat at the edge of the river bank in silent fear as their small hovel turned to ash and dust. His sister and father both were dead, burned to death when Eris misread 25 as 75 in the dimness of the alchemy room. Theon looked to the bag of coins which they had gathered before, snatched it up, and made it into town. The bag lasted him a year, and for the next seven he scraped by with theft and other petty crimes.

    Theon choose to leave the Mainland due to the trailing past he couldn't shake. The nightmares still lingered, and he sometimes heard his fathers coarse whisper, or could feel his sisters light, sympathetic touch. The scars on his body could not, would not ever, fade, yet he hoped the ones on his mind could with the start of a new life in Elpidia, the so called "Land of Wealth". Theon was hoping to dig his hands into the deep pockets of it.
  2. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    Really gripping story! Love it.

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