Approved Mor Von Bone's Char Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Mor Von Bone, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. Mor Von Bone

    Mor Von Bone Verified Traveler

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    Username: [LordLego12]
    Discord Username: [LordDread#5473]
    Full Name: [Mor Von Bone]
    Nickname(s): [Mr. Von Bone]
    Gender: [Male]
    Age: [20]
    Date of birth: [D7\M10\Y2385S]
    Place of birth: [Mainland]
    Job: [Black Smiting]
    Interests and hobbies: [helping others while being ahead with any work related activities around the village, as well as learning how to craft new things and then catalogs them]
    Religious Belief: [Believes in nothing but his ring can bring him great fortune]
    Signature Item (s): [A Skull Ring (metal forged) (not bone :p)]
    Ring has a Red and Green gem in the eye sockets it is believed that the Green gem brings good luck
    while the Red brings bad luck Mr. Von Bone Thought this as a Ying Yang type deal and bought it real

    Bio: Since a young age Von Bone always saw things in a ok way seeing that if a bad thing happened something good must happened and it seemed true to a fair extent. As he saw it, he can't be the cause or be the force of the bad things drive or nothing good will happen afterwords. so he lived his life being the best child he could be doing house work helping out his father with black-smiting and putting away his tools and grabbing the right ones.
    One day at the age of 19 he set sail from his burnt down house to the new land where he could make it big, Mr. Von Bone Had big plans as he smiled ear to ear and went below deck into the dark.
    Mr. Von Bone decided to reinvent himself by become what his father could never be a real Ripper. Mor Von Bone Planned on following his family legacy...
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello and welcome!

    A good start to your bio, everything checks out. However it is a bit short to be approved. Can you maybe add around 2 more paragraphs about your character's backstory?

  3. Mor Von Bone

    Mor Von Bone Verified Traveler

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    [complete redo]

    Username: [LordLego12]
    Discord Username: [LordDread#5473]
    Full Name: [Mor Von Bone]
    Nickname(s): [Mr. Von Bone]
    Gender: [Male] Age: [20]
    Date of birth: [D7\M10\Y2385S]
    Place of birth: [Mainland]
    Job: [Black Smiting]
    Interests and hobbies: [helping others while being ahead with any work related activities around the village, as well as learning how to craft new things and then catalogs them apoun reaching the new found land Mor took up cooking with a chef named moby]
    Religious Belief: [loosely believes in Phaedron, and that his ring can bring him great fortune]
    Signature Item (s): [A Skull Ring (metal forged) (not bone :p)]
    Ring has a Red and Green gem in the eye sockets it is believed that the Green gem brings good luck while the Red brings bad luck Mr. Von Bone Thought this as a Ying Yang type deal and bought it real cheap.

    Bio: Mr. Von Bone had always been a mysterious figure, with many hidden secrets and unknown things about his character. His mind worked in very different ways than others, he always saw things in a ok way seeing that if a bad thing happened something good must happened and it seemed true to a fair extent. As he saw it, he can't be the cause or be the driving force of the bad things or nothing good will happen afterwards. Bone lived his life being the absolute best child. A role model child as some would say. He helped out his father with daily tasks such as making tools, and putting away said tools. Bone picked up a couple skills along the way, learning to make tools for his personal use because of his fathers through lessons. By the age of 12 Bone has succeeded in making basic weapons and tools all because of his father. He had also learned much about the economy and how money worked. Bone dedicated his time to finding out costs of metals and the mixes to said metals. 3 years later at the age 15, Bone had made a big decision to join a big guild within his hometown. He payed off his parents debt and even saved up a couple of coins. While under the wings of the guild he had also dedicated his time to more knowledge. He pursued countless animals and learned how to effectively kill and gut the animals, as well as how much they would cost. On his 19th birthday an accident had occurred and had caused Bone to flee from the scene. People within his town were looking for him and he desperately wanted to just get away. The day of his 19 birthday he had made a big decision, as he had only made twice before, and decided to leave the mainland. With not enough money he conjured up a plan and risked being caught to board the ship set for this land. Bone smiled ear to ear and went below deck on the ship, hidden away. Bone decided to put away his past self, to become something.... Greater. He wanted to become more. More than himself. More than his Father, seeing as he could never be the Real ripper. Bone planned to follow the legacy his father had left in his wake and become more, seek new knowledge and new........ Friends.
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Welcome to the community :D

    For next time, can you edit your original post rather than posting your bio as a new comment?

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