Approved Methulius' Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by HypoTesla, Jan 1, 2020.

  1. HypoTesla

    HypoTesla Verified Traveler

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    Username: HypoTesla
    Full Name: Methulius Hybor
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Date of Birth: July 7th, 2386S
    Place of Birth: Mainland
    Job: Farmer
    Interests and Hobbies: Being outdoors on a hot summer day, sewing and reaping the fields, and woodcarving
    Religious Beliefs: Methulius is a devout follower of Metus
    Signature Item: A small carving knife gifted to him by his father, often used to carve likenesses of the gods.

    Methulius is a born farmer. His father and his father's father are both farmers. Methulius was conceived during the Festival of Light, and he was born in the midst of summer. His family burned small offerings to Metus whenever they could and prayed for prosperity, for a good harvest and most of all for healthy fields; Methulius will continue this tradition wherever he is. Since a very young age, he helped with growing the crops on his family's farm, and has learned the ways of the farmer. Through a myriad of successes, his family started saving up the gold they needed to expand their farm; with another son on the way, they had enough manpower to work at least double what they were working. Despite their fields being blessed for years, gold does not come easily and fields are not cheap. Then, one night in spring, just after the crops had started to grow, a horrible rain drifted over their farm. Disaster struck and the clap of thunder followed shortly; a fire was lit in their field, and nothing could stop it, not even the torrential downpour. It ripped through their field with a vengeful fury, like a beast with a hateful master at it's heels. When the Hybor family awoke, there was no saving their livelihood. The farm had been desecrated. the fields charred down to soot. Methulius' father turned to him, and spoke words that shocked them all to their core.

    "You must go to Elpida; I have heard tales of its riches. We shall stay here and rebuild. Take the gold we have been saving, buy yourself a ticket and some equipment and earn us money. Come back to us when you have prospered from Metus' blessing, and bring it all back with you. You must do this my son, for we will never grow if we stay as we are."

    Methulius was a good and honest son. He worked hard for all that he had, and his heart stayed with his family despite being old enough to marry. He believed that helping his family and working the fields was his service to Metus, and he thought himself far more dilligent in his prayer than most. When he heard his father's words, he nodded solemnly, packed what little belongings he had and trudged off in search of a way to Elpida, the gold dragging down his pocket with more than its weight.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Greetings :D

    A really nice and well-written bio.

    It's been approved!

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