Approved Leviathan Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Leviathan, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. Leviathan

    Leviathan Citizen

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    Username: Superd_Jr

    Full Name
    : Leviathan

    Nickname(s): Leviathan

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Date of birth: ,19/08/2363s

    Place of birth: Born inside a mine

    Current residence: hidden in a cave somewhere

    Job: helping people, killing things same thing - self employed

    Interests and hobbies: honing his skills in alchemy, training to fight, exploring the world, mining beneath villages, mischievous antics

    personality: troublesome, fiery, quick tempered, childish, revengeful, merciful, helpful, destructive, split personality disorder

    clothing: a robe which wraps around his body with only his eyes are left visible

    eye colour: bright red

    Religious Belief: Ignarus and Phaedon

    Signature Item (s): Sword of the first Slain (a sword which he first used to kill)

    The youngest child born in a family of 6, he had two sisters and one brother. His mother was born in the mining village and his father born in Elpida. His father was born in a very high and prestigious family in Elpida but he declined his family name and all its value and worth during the ripe age of 16 and sought out his own fate on the island. He first ventured across the land in search of meaning, he roamed the dark cavern, the Halls of Death and the old ruins. Among his travels he came across many adversaries and he would always seek to find a place to hide and wait out his time to avoid a clash between the thieves and warriors who sought out fame and fortune through violence. One day he tried his hand out on these men and woman among the thieves to try and see if his luck was here today, but he then learned that this life was not his. The many men and woman were barbaric and had so sense of morality and kindness. So on the day which my father told my mother was the one true regret of his life, he fought with the chiefif that is what they would call the man in charge. His fight was among the one true horrors of his life since it was not that he had slain the chief but rather in fact that he by mistake shot his arrow off mark and hit... the chiefs son. A mistake which he would eventually realise would never be forgiven and taken in blood.

    So flash forward a few months in this godforsaken land my father was distraught and on many occasions sought to end his pitiful life, he wanted the pain, suffering and guilt to end but he could not do what he wanted. He sought out many he thought would end his life but the end was always the same he would walk back in further shame and guilt with his sword which was dripping in blood. But as the time went on he went to the one place he believed he would never visit...he went to the mining village. A place where his father had ingrained into him and made him believe was filled with dim-witted imbeciles. However, it was filled with many whom he had then found to be the most vibrant and happy people of his time and age. But his time in the village was not always filled which such happiness, his name preceded him in the opinion which the people of the village had given him. He was viewed how people now view me as, for I might as well live in my fathers name. But yes more to the point, he was viewed as troublesome, a danger to society, wealthy, a thief, destructive and more truthful than not dangerous.

    As time began for him in the village he saw the way people would be kind and show each other a meaning to life which he hadn't thought was possible for people in this land but he saw and felt the love and the caring between each of the members of this village. The way which they helped each other and when one member of their village was growing through pain and suffering they all came together as one to help heal that member since when one of them was in pain they all seemed to carry the pain on their shoulders. One day he saw why. The caves beneath the village were a danger to all the men and women who mined beneath its death filled corridors, with its twists and turns many have gone missing and to never return. My father was alone in his room in the attic of the local inn which the owner had allowed him to stay in. He felt the ground below him shake, the shaking which he had felt was the mines below the village crashing and collapsing the mine shafts. That day 15 women became widow, 8 husbands lost their wives. 30 children became Orphans. The village wept and wept, the sky was wrength asunder with the tears of the dead. The misery which was felt by everyone had seemed to make the houses and the mountains cry for their fallen. The anguish was shown on everyone's faces, but something which he saw that he never knew possible was the hope and closeness which everyone had felt within each and every person in the village. His father did not know but the day this happened his fate had been sealed shut and destiny had begun to play out the events which would soon be his downfall.

    The village was filled with misery for the many months after this time, but his father had known that it would forever be scarred with the death which had been dealt that day. So he done what he had felt was right in his heart, he began to use his vast wealth which he acquired through his more unruly and trouble some days. This wealth was given to the ones which he had felt needed it the most which was the orphan children, his trials to assist the young innocent and most vulnerable were met with unruly and unjust backlash from the community who were wary and adamant in their ways. Which was their biggest fault, stubbornness. However, one lady named Aegle which means radiance. She was the one which fought for his side, my father told me as a child the exact words she said which he claimed to this day were ingrained into his memory and then on that day they were ingrained into mine, who knew such words would carry the opposite effect with me. Who even knew. She had said to them that day "You fools! Why would you reject his offer for help! Why! The children need his help in this time of darkness! Who cares for what he has done before this! Who cares for his reasons for the things he has done! None of you have given him any chances! No one has wanted to hear what he has to say! You dim-witted fools! Think about the children who have lost their mothers and father! Who have no hope in this world without them! They have no one to guide them and help them, they will fade into nothingness and cease to live! We need his help! To deny these children what they require would be unforgivable with the Gods. They would cast us among the disbelievers and forbid, they would call us followers of Ignarus. So help them!"

    That was the day my father told me he had knew the place where his heart belonged, with her. Someone who now knew he would forever seek to please and make her see the goodness in him. So as he said "by the Gods this girl is the darn cutest thing I have ever seen, the words which I say can not do her any justice for she looks more beautiful than the moon on the day which it has been full."

    Flash forward months of helping out the children of the village and making them a home for which they could live in which was made out of the most strongest material money could buy which was a building reinforced in obsidian with stone bricks and wood lining the entire building with torches and paintings to create a beautiful caring home which the orphans, children and widows could live in. Aegle soon there after had become closer to my father, they had become joint at the hip and soon fell in love. Aegle who my father thought resented him, had fallen in love with him the times she had saw him help the younger's when the elders and parents were not looking at him. The life which had seen in his eyes and the way he tried to be the one who could make the children's become alight with joy and happiness was something which she could not fathom. Were it not these children's parents who had made him the outcast? Made him the person no one wanted? So why was it he the one who made the children's smile and alight with joy whenever they came across the man who would give them cakes to see the light be lit in their youthful eyes.

    The day in which they had confessed their feelings for each other was the day he had told her the wrong doings which had done in his life. The people he had hurt with his wrong ways, how he had turned from the light and swam in the darkness of the world. My mother had told him not to live in his past since he has been trying to atone for his mistakes which the Gods will forgive him for, he had accepted her words but knew deep down that no matter what he could do, the light would never wash away the tainted blackness of his dark soul.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
    BobTheMan1110 likes this.
  2. Leviathan

    Leviathan Citizen

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    Many years later, one fateful night which I will never forget. The screams of the night had awoken me to a sight which my soul has never seemed to forget, the memories which to this day haunt my days were born the day destiny had caught up to my family. The chieftain had found the village which my father had decided to make his home. How could he of know suddenly the world which had had begun to live with his family would be ripped out of his hands and dealt with life's greatest friend, misery. My father had turned to a ripe old age of 40 by this time and his hands were old and weary for the people of this day and age, if only he had known what I know now, that no one can protect you from your enemy. That the actions of the past find the future. The sins of the father rain down of the innocence of the child. Everything which my father had then tried to create was gone in an instant, the home for the orphans was broken down with glowing pickaxes of the highest calibre. The children were slaughtered in bundles on the streets. The family homes were burnt down to ashes. The screams of the dying were rising louder in the air. Then silence. No sound excect from the flames. Then a loud smash. The wall. Was taken down. He's coming. A big man. A door smash open and screams. Another scream followed by another and another and another. My father comes running to me. Why does he look so scared for? What is that sticking out his chest? Is that an arrow. It can't be mother forbade it. She said no weapons allowed in the house. Why is father shaking me? What is that? Eklektos hide. Who is that big scary man? Wha....what? I remember hearing screaming at the point, I had always wondered who that was but now I know, it has been me. I was screaming. The man threw my father down the stairs then had grabbed me, he put me over his shoulder and my tears were rolling down his back and my pitiful screams and begging to let me go were flowing out of me, I wasn't able to control these feelings! The man...the savage he had thrown me on the floor. There was something red and sticky on the floor, I looked around and I saw the blood of my father covering the ground around him. He was fading I could see it, the man he then poured something down my fathers throat something which gave him a little more strength to live. He said "but first watch your family die. Then you can join them." The man he had placed me in the centre of them all and laughed, he said now which one shall I start with first. He slaughtered them one by one, oh one by one they were going. They were leaving me here alone! Why was I going to die? Is no one going to stop this from happening? A whisper? Who said it... was it father....the story...the look...the was him...father...why did you do this.... I heard you say it to mother...was this your fault? Was he here to ruin the happiness because you hurt his son....Oh no he's looking at me... The screams they are coming back. Another whisper. But louder. I look around my father is making me come closer to him...Oh how I wish I could go back to this moment and prolong his suffering oh how father would of wished he was never born to see what I could do to him now. His screams would make Ignarus pleased with me. I had then slowly moved closer to father to not gain the man's attention as my body became bathed in the blood of my family. Father whispered a word to be. Beneath us. My father lifted his arm and pointed to the fur rug. I had not known what he meant but I slowly crawled forward. Once I reached it, I moved the fur rug. As it moved out of my way I had seen what my father wanted me to see. His sword, it was blue and gleamed with a light which seemed strange. It felt powerful and strong. Everything he was not. I wrapped my hand around the hilt and lifted it up. I strained with effort to hold it but I barely managed. With blood cocooning me in a layer of blood. I moved towards my father and with each step. A rage which I couldn't contain enveloped me in a blanket of darkness. A shroud covered my mind. A loud scream. Then ambient silence. A sudden rush of sound and the sword was buried to the hilt in my father. The rage it consumed me. I killed. My father. The rush I got I couldn't contain. I felt stronger than anything. I turned to the man. Whack. I was on the floor. My head throbbing. I knocked out. A voice lingered in my mind. "Fool you can't defeat me, not now. Not ever. Don't bother trying." I remember waking up a few days later in an hospital in Elpida. I was now alone.

    I still remember as soon as I woke up I was surrounded by people questioning what happened how the entire town was slaughtered and why I was the only one left alive. How little these people knew that they were dead all because of my failure of a father. How could they know the man who became a hero and saviour to those people was the reason for their destruction? The reason they could not see this because they haven’t seen the eyes of the demon. Like I have. They haven’t seen his sins catch up to him and ruin my life. He ruined it for me! No more happy times. I am now alone. No one to help me. No one to be here for me. Just me and my sword. Wait where is my sword? It should be here somewhere. Oh look there it is….inside this poor old man’s throat…. Hehe who knew it could be this fun…. To cause this much misery and suffering…. Oh how stupid poor old dad was.

    My life was easy at the start all I done was slaughter countless innocents like my father when he first became the mighty and fearful Leviathan. But as he done I realised this wasn't the way for me. Sure I loved the calm and peace I had felt once I slit open a person throat or ripping out their heart. But this wasn't the way. I mustn't make the stupid mistakes of my father before me. I am not going to be stupid and search for some mystical joy and happiness. HAH! Only an ignorant fool believes he can be happy. This world is purely and utterly stupid full of people ruling over everyone. Why must it be so confusing. I just want to be happ- NO! Mustn't think this way, only a child thinks like this. Must be strong. Must train. Must be strong. Must be selfish. But also must help those who require it. Why oh why can't I be good? But why can't I also be good? What does it even mean? What unwritten rule is there in this foolish land that means I can not be two halves of the same coin. I want to kill but I also wish to help.

    A sudden bright flash of life. What is this.... It cannot be.... He was only a myth.... A children's fairytale... A skeleton horse.... But they said he wasn't real.... What is this... Wha..... A voice.... It's back again... The horse... There is something next to it... What could it be.... I slowly moved closer to it. The horse.. it stared into my soul and I saw something which I never thought I would see in another creature... It has my eyes...

    My father was wrong the day he changed his name from Leviathan to Charalampos to show that he had changed into a person of happiness. How he had become "reborn" and Leviathan had been vanquished by the light. Oh how wrong he had been. If only my father had known the day I was born a more evil Leviathan was born who only sought revenge and mischief. If only my father hadn't failed his wife and kids. Maybe then I wouldn't have been needed to be reborn as Leviathan from Eklektos. Maybe then! Maybe then the light inside my heart wouldn't have been obliterated once the blood had flown from my family’s veins and covered my young heart in misery and suffering. Maybe then the light would have allowed me to live a calm peaceful life without having to want to cause the pain I feel inside to others... maybe then I could have been happy.... but oh well, I guess it’s time to go have some fun and cause some misery. Let’s go see how loud this old lady can scream.

    Bye bye, I can’t wait to see you on the other side.

    Sorry about it becoming more of a story than a biography, I have no idea how to write one so I just went with a back story about his life which is kind of a biography but in a more story telling way. :/

    Any and all feedback is welcome, even if it is harsh. It helps me make it better and/or improve it if necessary.

    Now time to pray I get chosen to be a beta tester. Have a nice day. :)))
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2015
  3. Saphiria

    Saphiria Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    I am still reading this. It is very nice to see another Phaedron follower on this server.
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Very long and descriptive bio. A lot of dark people are coming to Elpida. Hope to see you in Elpida.
  5. Leviathan

    Leviathan Citizen

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    I saw that it said at least one so I was like, it doesn't say I only can choose one so I've chosen two which I like the most.

    Thanks :)). I wanted to make it more in depth so you get a feel of how he is like a person with his mixed emotions. Yes quite a few are dark :)) its where all the fun is at. I hope I see you Elpida too. :))
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2015
  6. llyrios

    llyrios Retired Staff Retired Staff

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    That's a long-ass bio man :p
  7. Leviathan

    Leviathan Citizen

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    I know it is >.> :p
  8. Tomas

    Tomas Owner Owner Administrator

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    A really interesting story. I can see you did your research on the locations of the island. :)

    Keep in mind that the criminal gameplay isn't implemented yet, so for the time being, you'll have to find a way of playing Leviathan without excessive murdering of people!

    I think you will be happy though, there are numerous hidden locations around the world that would be great spots for you to live.
  9. Leviathan

    Leviathan Citizen

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    So it is going to get implemented? :D that's perfect for me :)) I guess Leviathan can be in one of his more calmer mood for the time being muwahahaha. :p

    I have a general idea where I want my hidden location to be. Lets just say the near the halls of death is where all the fun is going to be at.
  10. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Nice bio from what I've read so far, and welcome to the community
  11. Leviathan

    Leviathan Citizen

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    Thanks so much. :))) It's a pleasure to be here. :)
  12. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    Got back to it and finished the read. Very nicely done. I'm looking forward to seeing how your character turns out in the game.
  13. Leviathan

    Leviathan Citizen

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    Thanks for reading it all. :) Same I'm excited to see how everyone's characters turns out in game. It will be an extremely interesting experience. :)
  14. Turmen8r

    Turmen8r Citizen

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    I'm scared! :S. Someone hold me....
  15. Leviathan

    Leviathan Citizen

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    Don't worry Leviathan will hold you.... :D :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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