Approved Joseph Julius Montes - JoseTorta's Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by JoseTorta, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. JoseTorta

    JoseTorta Verified Traveler

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    Username: JoseTorta

    Discord Username: josemontiel#5423

    Full Name: Joseph Julius Montus

    Nickname(s): Julius, Joe, Mountain

    Gender: Male

    Age: 26

    Date of birth: August 10th, 2,379S
    Place of birth: Mainland

    Job: Blacksmith

    Interests and hobbies: The study of law and history, fishing, metal smithing, and writing; fictional stories, nonfiction stories from his own perspective, poems, and music

    Religious Belief: Believes in the pantheon of gods, however worships Aestheria and Legaros

    Signature Item (s): A hefty journal full of paper, quite expensive and a gift from his father before he had left and a metal pen, and a bottle of ink (book n quill).

    Story Paragraphs:

    Joseph, commonly called Joey as a young boy, lived in the Media class as his parents did on the mainland. His father, Julius Montus, had lived his life in the Altum class, though had eventually dropped in social standing due to conflicts unknown to Joseph. What Joseph does know is that his father was both a soldier and a writer, and thus was literate. Onto Joseph’s Mother, Beatrix Helius (or Beatrice, she hadn’t known how to write and forgot the exact pronunciation of her name…) … she was a servant for his father. She had been of the Humilis class, and had been illiterate. She wasn’t exactly a slave, but she might as well have been. Under the employment as a maid to Julius, she had been tasked with jobs she could not do. However, instead of Julius being a short tempered man, he had decided to teach her to read and write, in order to better do her job of going to the markets to do trades. This act had lead her to fall in love with Julius, as he had been a good man to her. At the age of 17, she was pregnant with his son. Upon birth, they decided this boy would be named Joseph Julius Montus, Joseph being the name of Beatrix’s Father and Julius coming from Julius, and Montus being the family name.
    Growing up, Joseph was taught most of the knowledge he has from his father. What his mother did was feed and raise the boy, and teach him the more emotional side of life - manners, kindness and respect. She taught him to have pity on the poor, and to be kind to them - and to be kind to the rich as to respect them out of care to not cause harm to the family. The boy knew how to write, and early on wrote journals of his days. He wrote of his lessons as to not forget them, of his day, of his meetings and of his observations of people. When he went out to play and interact with other children, he fit in quite well, and was very active. He’d love to run with the children, hide, even climb trees and hills. Joseph would take up an interest in writing stories, usually hyperbolizing and exaggerating his real life events to seem more entertaining or grander. Along with those, he’d often write poems to fit the stories. He’d begin to write stand alone poems later on and show his parents, who often hid their true opinion of his writing from him; they believed he was an awful writer, and his father even wrote in a note to a friend “I regret teaching the boy to write…”.

    At the age of 16, Joseph took special interest to a girl named Charmaine. He’d shown her his poetry, and at this point he’d improved far more than when he began. His poetry was actually pretty good at this point, and she enjoyed it. He’d written poems on many subjects, though she preferred the ones of love he wrote for her. This, like many of his relationships back on the mainland, would end bad. She’d be the start of abusive women he’d date. However, he still kept the love poems, as they were some of his best writings. He’d often revisit them and rewrite them, but with a sad twist following the end of the relationships they were written during. At one point, he’d date a girl he’d forgotten the name of, and she’d push him to learn blacksmithing, specifically as an art. While he worked on this practice, he’d eventually drop it once she’d hit him with a hammer. He continued to do it, but as a profession instead of an art or craft. At the age of 19, after his final relationship at the home land, he’d decided to run off to the relatively new colony of Elpida, as he’d heard of the freer social movement and wanted a chance to start anew. However, he didn’t have the money. Instead of taking up a job as a servant to be of the Humilis class, he’d concluded he should ask his father for money and complete his cost with the money he’d saved from selling his writings, poems, and his metal works. At 23, he’d finally afforded to move to the colony, and had joined the first group following the lifting of the travel ban.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hello there!

    A nice bio, but the last paragraph needs to be changed as the bio needs to finish before your character reaches Elpida.

    Let me know when you've changed it.
  3. JoseTorta

    JoseTorta Verified Traveler

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    Would just erasing the last paragraph be fine? It’s only about arrival to Elpida while the one before is of the decision itself
  4. JoseTorta

    JoseTorta Verified Traveler

    Likes Received:
    I’ve removed the last paragraph and hope that edit is enough
  5. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Yup thank you!

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