Approved Janrel Lysan's Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Jaymelonz, Dec 23, 2019.

  1. Jaymelonz

    Jaymelonz Traveler

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    Username: Jaymelonz
    Discord Username: Jaymelonz#3462
    Full Name: Janrel Lysan
    Nickname(s): Jan-o
    Gender: Male
    Age: 14
    Date of birth: 22/3/2391S
    Place of birth: Mainland
    Job: Pit Fighter in Unofficial leagues
    Interests and hobbies: Weapons (Gauntlets), Eating, Cooking, Talking
    Religious Belief: Ignarus
    Signature Item (s): A Steel cuff bracelet, found along with Janrel as a baby after he was left in the bushes by his parents. Though initially being placed around his neck, he grew to fit it on his wrist.

    Story Paragraphs:

    Janrel Lysan was an orphan, found left in the bushes with a steel cuff bracelet around his neck. He was brought into an orphanage, aged 1 at the time, and lived there for 11 years. The only family that mattered to him was the friends he had at the orphanage. Nobody came to this orphanage. It was notorious for it's bad reputation, what with the behaviour of children there being... not favourable. Kids would only get adopted once in a blue moon. He lived there happily for a while, until one day a group of bandits from a hostile tribe ransacked and raided the orphanage. They were brutal, and didn't care about leaving anybody alive. The bandits cornered everyone into one corner, except for Janrel, who, saw the group of bandits from out a window and hid. He didn't have enough time to tell anyone, and by the time he had hid in the closet it was too late. Bandits shattered the windows and ransacked the place. Janrel peeked through the gap in the closet as one of the Orphanage caretakers tried to negotiate with the head bandit. Unfortunately, they couldn't understand traditional languages, so when a caretaker put her hand out and took a step towards one, "Please stop," sounded like a threat. They snapped. They flung their spears at the crowd of scared children and caretakers, while screaming nonsensical words, though one word Janrel did hear and understand. "Elpida". He heard a bandit shout it, and that word resonated in his mind ever since. By the time Janrel left the closet the bandits had left. All that was left was a pile of corpses and Janrel. He roamed the streets for a year, living off of kind strangers' donations, until he met Caleb. "Join the family!" was all that Janrel needed to hear.

    "Janrel? JANREL! Wake up. You've got to train. Your biggest fight is tomorrow, the crowds are gonna eat it up!" Janrel's eyes opened as his dream was cut off just at the peak of it's action. At the foot of his bed he saw his friend, as close as family, and competition for tomorrow, Caleb, glaring at him with big beady eyes. "Come on, the other boy's have started already. Get up, or you won't get breakfast." He sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. He grabbed his bracelet from his bedside table and walked out of the cramped room which he shared with 5 other people.

    Janrel launched blow after blow at the target with his fists. He was relatively slim, though his arms and hands were really strong. He had gone through quite a few targets. The fighting group couldn't afford to keep showing their faces above ground to buy new ones because of the risk of arrestment. Everyone that was part of the family had something happened to them, or was on the run, though all were genuine people. They made their money off of illegal underground fights and bets that they ran that people would flock to to watch, all to see their champion, Janrel, who wasn't the best fighter, but people enjoyed watching him fight. All the fighters were part of this family, so after every fight they remained close with each other. It was fun for them, so hey, why not make money off it too?

    Janrel's punches were fast. Everyday, as well as training for the fights, he was training to get back at the tribe that took everything from him. Everyday, Janrel would think about what that tribe had done to him, what it had taken from him. He had to get them back. He knew that he was just one boy, and that the aspiration to destroy or even affect the tribe was silly, but he was fueled by this everlasting feeling of revenge that he knew wasn't healthy. He told his friends this, but they all said that he was just one child, and that he couldn't do it. He knew that they had no ill intent behind those quotes, and that they were trying to keep him safe, but he knew he had to prove to them.

    Janrel wasn't the best at fighting, but he was good. The one thing stopping him from winning most all of his matches was that he was too self destructive. He would almost always get hurt whilst fighting not by the opponent, but by himself. He would exert all of his force and pressure and not hold anything back, not thinking about the consequences of his actions, and would either pass out, lose, or leave the ring by the end of the fight, but tomorrow would've been different. He always knew that if he was going to get back at the tribe, he needed to overcome this. Tomorrow, he would finally win a fight. He was determined to, to show his strength, to show that he could do it, so he would train really hard today to win tomorrow. Janrel spent the whole day training, and was so tired that he couldn't make it to his bed before he fell asleep.

    Janrel slept in. He woke up late, missed breakfast and barely got any training in before the nighttime, when the show was starting. Though he was tired, he was determined to win. He was let out into the small, underground pit, followed by Caleb. Janrel cracked his knuckles, stretched his arms, and then the fight started. He launched blow after blow, one punch after the other with his fists. Crowds of people cheered and clapped, and the noise was pumping Janrel up. He gained confidence, punch after punch, and was feeling good until one painful punch to the stomach sent him on the ground, and Caleb had won. Janrel stood up slowly, painfully, and stormed out of the ring.

    "I can't do it," Janrel was in shambles. He slumped down against a corner, huddled up, and cried. He heard a voice say "Hey, that's Janrel!" He looked up and saw 2 men in neat clothes. "Janrel, we see so much potential just waiting to be unlocked from you! You just need to find out how. We saw your fight back there, and you were amazing! How does this sound; You come with us, and we can help nurture your strengths?" The other man brandished 3 boat tickets to Elpida. Janrel's hearts stopped. Elpida. That word. It was a place. "I would love t- I can't. I can't leave my family, not again." as much as the idea was appealing to him, combat training and going to the same island that the tribe was on, he had to stay with his family. "It's okay, you should go," He turned to his left to see Caleb and his other friends there. "Go, get revenge on that tribe. With proper training and a team, I know you can get back at them." Caleb said. Tears ran down Janrel's face. "Guys, I-" He started. "Thanks,"

    Janrel feels the wind on his face as land comes into view. The rough ocean sea whips the boat around. A tear rolls down his cheek as he says "We're here. Elpida at last. I'll do you all proud and get those bandits!"
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Very nice bio.

    Consider it approved :D

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