Approved Jacob Weatonberg's Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by GKP-239, Dec 30, 2019.

  1. GKP-239

    GKP-239 Traveler

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    Username: [GKP_239]
    Discord Username : [GKP-239 #9681]
    Full Name: [Jacob Weatonberg]
    Nickname(s): [Jacob, Jack]
    Gender: [Male]
    Age: [28]
    Date of birth: [18, July, 2377S]
    Place of birth: [Mainland]
    Job: [Farmer]
    Interests and hobbies: [Farming, Wood chopping, Decorating his home, has an interest in politics]
    Religious Belief: [He was raised by his father to believe in the God Metus, but after a failed harvest which nearly meant he starved to death, his faith has weakened]
    Signature Item (s): [His fathers scythe, and his fathers watering can]

    He was born to a lower class family on a farm located in the western parts of the mainland. His father, Tobius, taught him from a young at that he was going to run the farm and care for the animals, when he came of age. Tobius was strong believer in Metus believing that Metus was the source of the many plentiful harvests he had on his farm.

    In the year 2397S, a devastating storm swept across the farm, not only did this result in most of the crops being destroyed, it also resulted in the unfortunate death of Jacobs father Tobius. The only possession, Tobius kept, was his scythe and watering can, which he used solely for farming. At this moment, Jacob realised that he was not ready for the world outside of the farm and, as his father died, so did his dreams of leaving the farm and exploring the rest of the mainland.

    Jacob lived a happy and peaceful life on the farm, raising the animals, and planting new crops he had acquired from the market. He had a well established relationship with the village people and they would educate him on the goungs on outside of the farm, with a elder scholar who would educate him in politics, giving Jacob the desire to one day become a man of politics, and therefore a man of power. This conflicted with his usual caring and kind personality and taught him that if you want something, you have to be willing to sacrifice everything, even your morals to get it.

    In the Current year, Jacob heard rumours of a knew land named Elpedia and decided to sell his farm and his animals in hopes of moving there and starting a new farm, from which he could rise up the ladder and hopefully one day become a high class man of power with influence in the world
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A very interesting and intriguing bio you have.

    Welcome to the community :D

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