Hi everyone, I'm Isaiha! Back some time ago early 2014 I think I joined The team and started building on Minecraft frontiers and was tasked to find more builders and designers for the project! While the projects and things we worked on of course never made it to the current MF, the influence and demand for quality design in Minecraft Frontiers stuck around and is still a priority for me when it comes to building and designing anything. I like making things look as best as I can make them according to the theme, lore, and environment. I'm 28 years old and live in the Detroit area of Michigan in the U.S. I have a girlfriend and am currently unemployed seeking new work. While in the process of finding a job for me, I figured I'd check in on the Minecraft Frontiers project I had to leave because of my previous job in Massage Therapy. After talking to our illustrious founder, I discovered it was close to a Beta testing phase for their map. So I definitely started hopping on now and than checking out the progress and I was quite amazed at the work put in thus far, though of course being the type of builder I am I was wanting to fix certain things but I knew I couldn't really commit cause of work. But now with the situation I'm in, I do have that time and commitment and hope to start once again building and designing for Minecraft Frontiers. So with that being said it's Great to officially meet all of you through the forums and if you have questions for me (or some of the builders want advice) don't hesitate to ask. I am not a super expert but I do have a very creative mindset to me cause of my personality. So I tend to look at the big picture and the details within. Please let me build again higher admins! Please!!!!! Have fun in MF ya all.
Great to hear from you again. I definitely think we can find you a spot on the team again . Will be in communication with you.
Welcome back @Isaiha! I joined literally JUST after the big reset when they started over with the Genesis map. The map was empty and Thokie was working on the paths and main Elpidas circle. I do remember meeting you once when you just stopped by the server.
Hey Isaiha. I've seen you a few times on the server building and making everything perfect so I know how much time and effort you put in. On behalf of the community, thank you.