Approved Glaceer's Character Bio (Luxe Tenebridis)

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Glaceer, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Glaceer

    Glaceer Verified Traveler

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    Full Name: Luxe Tenebridis

    Nickname(s): Luxe the Tinkerer

    Gender: Male

    Age: 29

    Date of birth: 24 October 2376S

    Place of birth:
    University of Patraeia, Mainland

    Current residence: A small workshop near the edge of Elpida

    Job: Tinkerer, Engineer

    Interests and hobbies: Any sciences or mathematics, dueling

    Religious Belief: Aestheria’s light has guided him for many years.

    Signature Item: “Intricate Pocket Watch” – He keeps a mid sized pocket watch in his left jacket pocket at all times. It is covered in buttons and knobs. Each button has some sort of function attached to it, knives, pliers, magnifying glasses. All of them are a button away. It seems like there’s a new button every day.

    Early Life

    Luxe was born in the medical wing of the University of Patraeia to Rhea Tenebridis and Alexander Tenebridis. His parents have held positions as professors in the mathematics division of the university for many years. With their involvement in their work and the pursuit of knowledge,they had little time to raise him outside of the university. The combination of his intelligent parents’ genes and the constant immersion in academia led him toward a life of studying.

    Luxe completed all of his basic arithmetic at an early age, progressing quickly onto more advanced mathematics. By the age of 12, Luxe was modifying, designing, and building small mechanisms. By the age of 16, Luxe had enrolled in the university and was on his way to becoming a leader in his field; however, mechanical skills don’t stay unnoticed. At 19, near the end of getting his degree, he was contacted by a mysterious agency, offering him huge amounts of money in exchange for his work.

    The Agency

    Within hours of accepting to work for the agency, Luxe was given a huge workshop. In his new workshop, Luxe was asked to design and build various machines, although he refuses to disclose any of them in order to distance himself from any crimes attached to the devices. Over his 10 years of working with the agency, issues arose with the government of Patraeia. The activities of the agency were traced back. Documents were found. Some devices used in attacks on political and government figures were traced to Luxe. Hearing charges against him, Luxe decided the most reasonable action was to flee. In his attempt to flee the country, he was caught.

    While in state custody, he was given an ultimatum. Luxe Tenebridis was to either surrender all of his earnings from the agency or be imprisoned for 10 years to life pending additional investigation. The decision was obvious. Luxe surrendered his pay to the government and was set free.

    Moving to Elpida

    News of Luxe’s crimes had spread throughout the mainland, tainting his name after his release. In a yearlong quest to find a job, Luxe was turned down by nearly every reasonable business he could find. As his prospects lessened, Luxe began to see the colony of Elpida as a possible safe haven. Selling almost all of his remaining creations, save his pocket watch, Luxe gathered the money to move to Elpida. Ready to create a new life for himself.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  2. Xalveris

    Xalveris Known Citizen

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    A shorter bio than others (not a bad thing :)), but still interesting. Welcome to the community!
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  3. Glaceer

    Glaceer Verified Traveler

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    I deliberately tried to keep it more vague. It allows me to expand my story more easily and significantly without conflicting with the original bio.

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