Approved Evlynn Lightweaver - Character Biography (Shushki)

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Shushki, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. Shushki

    Shushki Traveler

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    Primary Information:
    Username: Shushki
    Discord Username: Shushki#2326
    Full Name: Evlynn Lightweaver
    Nickname(s): Ev, Lynn.
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Date of birth: June 14, 2386S
    Place of birth: Patraeia
    Job: Adventurer
    Interests and hobbies: Exploration, Discovery, Archery, Hunting, Fishing.
    Religious Belief: Prays to the god Marventa
    Signature Item (s): She carries a powerful bow which was her mother’s before her death and the last steel Short sword her father ever crafted which had the finest leather hilt and beautiful embroidery on the guard and pommel.

    Physical Appearance:
    Eyes: Green, rounded
    Hair: Blonde, Long
    Lips: Average sized
    Ears: Small, pointed towards the top.
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 127 Lbs.

    The current day is June 14, 2386S, the day Evlynn was born. Evlynn was born into a comfortable living home, not wealthy but also not poor. Her father, Chad Comberton was a master blacksmith and her mother, Jane Shipley, who took care of the home and prepared meals each evening. In his youth, her father was a master blacksmith in Fituna. Although he was renowned as a master swordsmith, Her father left Fituna and set up a forge in a small mining town called Magone. As he proceeded to forge tools and horseshoes for the villagers of the town when he met a woman with the name Jane, who would become his wife and to later have a child with. When Evlynn was born, her father told her from the beginning that Evlynn would be running the forge on her own one day and that it was going to be her future. As Evlynn grew she became less and less interested in smithing, but more interested in exploration and discovery. At age 14, she snuck out of town for the first time, exploring through the woods and finding strange things. Over the years Evlynn would continue to grow her curious mind with the sheer vast size of the world around her, she wanted to explore it all. On May 27th, just 3 weeks from her 18th birthday, Her father was tasked by Sir Radzick to craft a new sword. Her father asked Evlynn to forge the sword with him so her mother ran down to the market to grab coal to fuel the forge, Shortly after the sword was finished, a messenger rode up to the castle with horrific news, an army of mercenaries led by General Markvart Von Auliz was approaching the village. As the army began to charge, Her father handed her the sword and told her to flee to the castle while he rushed to the market to get her mother. Evlynn turned back to help but instead witnessed the brutal slaughter firsthand, she froze in fear as her father, with her mother behind him, able to hold off the attackers admirably, but was soon struck down by the General Markvart, her mother killed moments later. Powerless to help, horrified Evlynn stood there as Markvart turned his attention to Evlynn. Suddenly her arm is grabbed by Sir Radzick, who tells her to get on the back of his horse as its not safe here anymore. He says to her that he’s quite relieved to see that Evlynn was still alive, but was sorry for the death of her parents. Shortly there after they both reach a small castle town called Talmberg, Radzick meets with the captain of the guard, Sir Robard, and commands him to get Evlynn anything she needs and explains what just happened. Radzick tells Robard to keep Evlynn confined to the castle and forbidding her from returning to Magone which was surely swarmed with bandits now. But this didn’t keep her. After her parents death, Evlynn felt it was her responsibility to bury her parents. The next morning she took her opportunity to escape the castle and run back to Magone. Once she arrived, among the smoldering ruins of the towns, he sees all of the bodies of her friends and neighbors, including a boy who she had started to become interested in. Evlynn tearfully walks through the streets up the hill towards the old blacksmith forge where her house was. She sees the bodies of her parents laying there in the dirt. Evlynn finds a shovel, kneels down next to their bodies and vows to bury them as she prays for their forgiveness of her cowardness. Evlynn dug two holes right under the large oak tree by their house, right where her parents wanted to be buried. She placed their bodies in them and filled in the holes. Right as she heard a voice. Turning around she saw Radzick stood there, angry. She explains why she’s here; he understands but is angry that she went alone as she could have been killed. Evlynn rides back to the castle with Radzick where she attends a meeting with the King and other ambassadors of the towns nearby discussing what they were going to do about this bandit attack on Magone. Over the next couple of months, she tried to come to peace with what had happened, as Magone was rebuilt, she came home. She got word that the Senate was sending out groups of settlers to explore new lands and create new civilizations. Immediately she ran to the castle and was let in by the guards. She spoke to Radzick who has since taken her under his protection. She brings up the subject and asks if he knows anything about it, he replies yes, he had. Evlynn told Radzick that she only had a little money after the death of her parents when the money stopped coming in. Radzick told her not to worry and that if she really wanted to start a new life in the new world that he would gladly pay for her ticket. Radzick then gave Evlynn the money she needed to set off to the new world. Evlynn travels to the harbor where she purchases her ticket, she boards the trip, and soon she is off.

    And all of this brings us to the present day, on a journey to the new world, where we begin our new story.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Interesting bio and very well written.

    Consider yourself approved!

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