Approved Dilberts bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Dilbert, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. Dilbert

    Dilbert Verified Traveler

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    Username: _Bubblegum_
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): Hynesy #8588
    Full Name: Dilbert Wood
    Nickname(s): Dilbert
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Date of birth: 6th november 2386S
    Place of birth: East coast
    Job: Soldier
    Interests and hobbies: Farming and Combat
    Religious Belief: strong believer of Ignarus
    Signature Item (s): My grandfathers battle axe

    Hi, my name is Dilbert wood. I come from a small farming outpost on the east coast of the mainland. I used to live there with my father Stan. I lost my mother at the young age of 7, she meant a lot to me, i was never the same person after her death, she died of hunger during the famine and sacrificed herself to save us. I Am a 5"11 tall man and i am very muscular, i am not very handsome and could be considered ugly by some... I am a strong and hefty individual, but i am also kind and helpful. I have always aspired since i was young to come into a position of power and i would work tirelessly to do so.

    Life on the farm was hard work, i used to have to spent over 12 hours a day slaving away at the farm work just to be able to make a small bit of money. I had to help my father out a lot as he was getting older and was getting weaker and unable to work, all this work left me with little time to peruse my interests and go to school but it also made me very strong which leads me to being an excellent warrior.
    I was always a very ambitious person and i always wanted to move up in the world but i didn't have the chance until now to do so. it is time for me to start a new life.

    I decided it was time to leave the island when my father was unable to work due to breaking his leg on the farm. I wasn't able to take care of the farm myself so I decided i would have to sell off the farm. I used to money from the farm to get my father into care and get i bought myself a ticket to go on the next ship to Elpida.

    Before i left for Elpida, i went to visit my father for the last time. We were both trying to hold back our tears. I told him i would try to return to him as soon as possible once I had made some money. Before i left he opened his bag and handed me his fathers Battle Axe that was passed down to him. It was a large satin black axe with 2 very sharp blades. I was very honoured to be weilding this incredible weapon. Eventually i had to leave, i gave my father one last hug, grabbed my bags and made my way to the ship.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A well-written bio however there is one small issue. The current year in Elpida is 2405S so your date of birth needs to be changed.

    Let me know when you've changed it :D
  3. Dilbert

    Dilbert Verified Traveler

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    Ok changed it
  4. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thank you :D

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