Approved David Vinderbont - Character Biography (Dave)

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Dave, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. Dave

    Dave Verified Traveler

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    Primary Information:
    Discord Username: Dave.#4042
    Full Name: David Vinderbont
    Nickname(s): Dave
    Gender: Male
    Age: 27
    Date of birth: August 3rd, 2378S
    Place of birth: Patraeia
    Job: Stone Mason
    Interests and hobbies: Exploration, Building, Raising up firm but small towns
    Religious Belief: Prays to the god Legaros
    Signature Item (s): Masonry tools, Small sword in which my father bestowed upon me, which was his fathers before him.

    Physical Appearance:
    Green, narrowed
    Hair: Gray and short, firm beard
    Lips: Average sized
    Ears: Big and round.
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 195 Lbs.

    My family was never the richest, we lived in a decent neighborhood, but there were always buildings bigger than ours, grand structures, huge stone temples. I thought to myself I want to accomplish something as grand, something like that. I began asking around in markets and other small trading hubs in town for people who were experienced in this kind of profession, in masonry. One day in my long search, a man at a fruit strand told me that there was a man named James who lived in one of the more run-down parts of the city. He said to me, “If there was anybody in this city who could teach him, it was him.” The man at the fruit stand gave me directions to where he had lived so I sought out to find this “James”. The buildings surrounding his house were all old and run down. I went up to his door and I knocked prominently, a man in what looked to be his late 50’s answered the door. He answered with “What do you need boy?” I said to the man, “I am highly interested in learning the ways of your craft.” He proceeded to invite me in, sat me down, offered me a drink and started to talk about masonry. He told me that it was a hard skill, but a very useful one. One needs to perfect their technique and he said he was willing to teach me. Over the several months, this man who had been retired for months, dedicated almost all his time to teaching me the art of his craft. After about half of a year, he taught me all that he could, and it was now my job to go off into the world and finish perfecting my craft. I started off small, doing patch jobs and building walls or tearing them down. Then I started to become the talk of the town, word was getting out about my skill in masonry. By about 22 years old, I had built my fair share of homes, extensions to houses, and even work on some churches. I soon traveled to the capital city of Patraeia where the Senate was commissioning workers for a new extension to the palace. I applied for this job and was hired quickly due to my expertise in masonry and stonework. After I completed that job, the senate paid quite well.

    Over the next couple of months work started to slow down. Even the work that was available was somewhat boring, just trivial patch jobs here and there. I needed something more, something new. The whole reason I started on this journey was so that I could build grand structures, not maintain a crumbling old city. While I was in the market getting some food for my parents, I overheard a small group of people talking about getting on a ship to the new land. I walked over and asked them, “What are you guys on about?”, They informed me of a ship that was being sent back and forth from this new land. I asked them how I could get on the next ship out, and they told me that there was a hefty price tag to go along with this voyage. They proceeded to inform me that the next ship was setting off within the month. I thought about it for a short while over some drinks, I figured it all out. Shortly after I sought home and informed my parents of this journey to the new world. They said, “They told me that if I want to go that I may go and make a name for myself and build something with real value. Over the next month, I did small jobs to acquire a little more coin before the voyage date. On the day of the journey, I packed up my clothes, my tools, and as I am walking out the door my father says to me, “Son, wait! I have something for you boy”. He walks down the stairs and brings with him a sword as he says to me, “Son, there might more dangers out there than you could ever imagine. Law is not as firm there; I imagine that you may have to defend yourself at some point. My father believed in this; thus, he commissioned this sword. “ He hands it over to me, I thank him for the sword as I hug him. I say my final goodbyes, and I set out towards the harbor. I was informed that the boat was approaching fast and was not going to be staying long. This was my chance. I arrived at the harbor and I purchased my ticket for the new world. I eagerly waited to start my new life…. And this brings us to the current day.
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server! This is a pretty good bio. Normally I ask for a bit more backstory on how he was raised but this bio is already more than long enough.
    This bio is accepted!
  3. Dave

    Dave Verified Traveler

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    :cool: I am cool

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