Approved Character Bio - Wilfred Betel

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Dilemma, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. Dilemma

    Dilemma Traveler

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    Minecraft Username: Wiggly_Boy
    Discord Username: Lan#9885

    Full Name:
    Wilfred Betel
    Nickname: Betel
    Age: 26
    Date of Birth: November 14th, 2379S
    Place of Birth: Mainland, Some coastal mining settlement

    Eyes: Dull grey
    Skin Colour: Very pale and white.
    Hair: Relatively long, messy black hair that has no uniformity to it whatsoever
    Facial Hair: Clean shaven
    Height: 170cm
    Weight: 42kg. Very unhealthy looking, but is actually in almost-perfect shape.
    Facial Features: Very large eye bags and hollowed cheeks
    Dress Sense: Always seen with a white top/coat on. Doesn't care about what he wears otherwise.

    No formal education.
    Intelligence: Figured out lots of science and theory by stealing books from libraries and asking for them.
    Mental Traumas: Hates being in enclosed rooms and locked in places.
    Phobias: Being robbed.
    Sexuality: Asexual

    Lawful neutral
    Personality: Not very charismatic, but makes good conversation to his clients and those he knows best.
    Motivation: To create an object for every problem there is. He wants to work for those at the very top.
    Likes: Minerals, Shiny objects, Machinery
    Dislikes: Forced social interaction

    Aestheria, but loosely believes in religion.
    Interests & Hobbies: Collecting/buying vast quantities of items like natural minerals and metal and using said materials
    to find their scientific properties and uses. He's interested in the formation of natural structures and creatures too.
    Current Job: Scientist/Inventor
    Signature Item: A bloodied rock he still has from killing his father.

    Life So Far...
    Wilfre was born into a poor family in a small mining camp by the coast where he was kept inside to filter silt for measly amounts of valuable metals. His father would sell these tiny scraps off for more money that he would simply just spend on drinking and gambling. His birth certificate and identity were completely unknown by the town, and for 10 long years Wilfre kept to himself silting for these meagre metals that he wanted to keep so badly. His hope to see the world eventually overcame him and he reached a breaking point when he was 15. He took a larger rock from his pile and took it out of the sifting basement whilst his parents and sibling slept, killing his father in one blow. He took the key, left home and never looked back.

    Ever since this event, Wilfre has been travelling the realm, not caring for politics and people. He would travel from settlement to settlement, looking for books and knowledge to satiate his desire to know everything. When he reached 18, he decided to travel to Elpida in search for even further knowledge about the world and to try look for more written information and education that would inform him of the origins and natures of the globe. Taking on a long, solo journey without any guidance or peers, he searched for Elpida. Upon reaching the new land, he started his new life away from the dark memories that trouble his past back in the mainland, and would eventually set up a travelling agency for inventions and science for all to use freely; good and bad.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Nice bio.


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