Approved Character Bio: Rosco Drelidith

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Cmack17144, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. Cmack17144

    Cmack17144 Traveler

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    Username: cmack17144
    Discord Username: cmack17144 #8274
    Full Name: Rosco Drelidith
    Nickname(s): Ross, Drell
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Date of birth: 01/28/2385S
    Place of birth: Mainland - poor district of a port city
    Job: Information Broker
    Interests and hobbies: Information gathering, exploring, some criminal activity, reading and collecting books
    Religious Belief: Follower of Phaedron
    Signature Item (s): Personal journal used to keep note of various information.

    Story Paragraphs: Rosco was born the only child of a poor family living in one of the port cities of the Mainland. For the first 11 years of his life nothing of significance happened. While life wasn’t easy, his loving parents were able to provide food and shelter with their income from working on the docks. His parents were very accepting of their position in life, but they wanted more for their child. Rosco’s parents understood that a key factor in advancing classes was the amount of knowledge one had. So, whenever they managed to save up enough money they would buy a book for Rosco in order for him to gain enough knowledge to help him later in life. Rosco would devour these books with a fervor and focus solely on reading for days until any new book was finished and the knowledge within was absorbed. While reading was one of Rosco’s few passions he did greatly enjoy whenever his parents would bring him to work with them. While at the docks, Rosco would listen in on the crowds while his parents were busy to hear the various stories of people’s lives. On these days he would hear about barbarian attacks, who is interested in who, and all kinds of other information. Overall, Rosco’s first 11 years were fairly normal, but then the fire happened.

    The day was like any other, his parents were working at the docks while he was nearby listening to the crowds. Rosco’s parents were tasked to unload a ship carrying barrels of oil. His parents were still hard at work when the sun began to set. Noticing how dark it was becoming Rosco was sent home while his parents promised him they would be back as soon as they were finished. When Rosco arrived back home he went to his room to write down the interesting information he heard from the crowds in his journal that his parents bought him for his most recent birthday. Eventually, Rosco fell asleep while waiting for his parents to get back only to be awoken by the sound of the front door crashing open and a voice saying “Grab anything valuable you find and then burn this place down, the family should be dead by now.” Confused by what was happening, Rosco walked quietly to his door and cracked it open only to see several armored men tearing apart the main room of the house and grabbing the few valuables the family possessed. Unsure of what would happen to him if he was caught, Rosco quickly closed the door and started to quickly gather as much of his possessions as possible. Unfortunately, his door was thrown open revealing two of the armored. Panicking, Rosco dropped everything he was carrying and stood still starring at the men. When the men threw off their shock from finding someone in the building they started to advance on Rosco. Seeing he was in trouble Rosco grabbed his journal on top of everything he dropped and jumped out the window in his room crashing through the wooden shutters. Hearing shouts behind him, Rosco ran as fast as he could through nearby alleys to get as far from his home as he possibly could. Eventually, Rosco managed to get far enough away that he felt safe enough to rest and figure out where he was. Realizing he was close to the docks where his parents worked Rosco moved quickly through the dark streets towards the docks in the hope of finding his parents. This hope soon dwindled as he got closer and closer to the docks only to see a massive crowd had gathered with guards blocking off entrance to the area. Trying to make sense of what was happening Rosco moved through the crowd trying to get a view of the dock his parents had been working on while listening in on the frantic conversations of the crowd around him. Oil, ship, fire, and dead were the few words that he could make out through the noise of the crowd. Eventually, through a break in the crowd, Rosco finally spotted the ship his parents had been working on only to see it nearly collapsed with the wood of the ship still smoldering.

    Years passed as Rosco struggled to survive on the streets of the city resorting to pickpocketing, stealing, and selling information he gathered in order to live. During these years, Rosco became a follower of Phaedron in the hopes the deity would help him survive and be successful in his attempts at theft. It wasn’t until he was 19 that he learned the reason why his parents were murdered while he was listening in on conversations at a bar. Apparently, Rosco’s parents were trying to organize some workers to try and convince the dock master to increase their pay. Unfortunately, one of the workers they approached informed the dock master of what was happening eventually leading to the dock master paying some men to kill the family. After learning this Rosco spent the next year gathering information to figure out the best time to get his revenge. It was shortly after getting a spot on the next ship to Elpida that he decided to act. The day before leaving Rosco broke into the dock master’s home in the middle of the night. Once inside, he snuck into the dock master’s room where he found the dock master asleep in bed. When the dock master woke up it was to find himself tied to a chair gagged and unable to move with Rosco standing in front of him holding a small lantern and a large flask. Noticing the man was up Rosco walked up to the man and quietly said “This situation you find yourself in is because of your actions against the Drelidith family.” When Rosco finished speaking the dock master’s eyes widened in fear and noticing the man’s recognition Rosco tilted the flask over the man’s head and watched as the oil began to soak the man. Rosco ignored the man’s muffled shouts as he poured a trail of oil towards the entrance to the bedroom. Once the flask ran dry Rosco gave the man a sinister smile before dropping the lantern and watching the oil set aflame. Only after the man began to burn did Rosco leave to the sounds of muffled screams of pain and roaring fire. When morning arrived Rosco gathered his few belongings and boarded the ship to Elpida.
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server!
    Holy duck, this bio is amazing!

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