Character bio- Macedon Lancaster

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Machewdadino, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. Machewdadino

    Machewdadino Traveler

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    Username: Udonthavefriends
    Discord Username: TheStarbucksInTarget
    Full Name: Macedon Lancaster
    Nickname(s): Mace

    : Male

    : 24

    Date of birth
    : August 7th 2081S

    Place of birth
    : Mainland

    : warrior

    Interests and hobbies: Macedon enjoys watching the clouds move but also enjoys talking to others about political ideas

    Religious Belief: Macedon followed Phaedron, but changed his belief after moving to Elpida. Now he follows Legaros

    Signature Item (s):
    his signature item is a jewel that he stole at the age of 13. This snatching of this jewel lead him to a life of crime. Something inside him told him not to pawn off the stone, but to keep it for sentimental reasons.

    Story Paragraphs: Macedon Lancaster was born Oliver McConner to Sean and Mary McConner. He changed his name so that no one in his family could find him. They were good to him, but at the age of 7 he ran away from home and live his life on the streets. He started stealing to make money for himself. One day, when he was just 14, he took it a step too far. He had learned of a blacksmith nearby which made the best sword on the mainland and he was filled was lust and greed. so one day, he snuck up to the blacksmith and entered through the back window. He heard the door open and close and assumed that the blacksmith was leaving. However, when he ventured into the shop, he got caught in a bit of rope. He got set up! In a rush he pulled and tugged but could not escape until he glanced upon a shard of glass. Acting fast, he grabbed it and cut himself free. Just in time. The trapper had just come back and was approaching the trap when he snuck out the front door. Part of him was scared by just how much he loved the adrenaline.

    Then he started pawning off the things he stole for money. He was on the run from the law, always having to look behind his back. Then one day he heard about how people were moving to Elpida. He decided he would go too.

    On his trip to Elpida, he met a lady whom he would spend the rest of his journey with. She was the one who turned him away from a life of crime. She was the one who made him urge for a life with a family that he could love. On the trip she unfortunately passed away to sickness. Macedon Lancaster set off to Elpida to escape the law, but instead he did it out of love.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server. This is a good start to your bio. However there are some problems.
    - If he was 24 years old then he would have been born in the year 2381S.
    - The story is a bit to short. I need at least 2-3 more paragraphs to approve this.
    If you need some inspiration:
    Why did he run away?
    How/ why did he begin stealing after he had already been living on the streets for 5 years?
    Why did he change his surname?
    Did someone teach him how to steal?
    Did he ever get close to getting caught?
    How did the relationship with the lady evolve?
    How did she turn him away from crime?

    Also you can't write anything further than the moment you arrive at the docks of elpida,so you'll have to find a different solution to the splitting up part.

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