Approved Character Bio: Kapono Black. Minecraft Frontiers

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by SbxUniverse34, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. SbxUniverse34

    SbxUniverse34 Traveler

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    Minecraft Username: SBxUniverse34
    Discord: SbxUniverse34 #7089
    Full Name: Kapono Black
    Nicknames: Cap.Thinker, Kap
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Date of Birth: 16th of January 2388S
    Place of Birth: By the sea and the brink of the forests
    Job: Explorer, Axeman (self-trained), Philosopher and Journalist
    Interests and Hobbies: Writing, Exploring, Imagining Different things, Running/Jogging and Philosophyising ofc
    Religious Belief: Long time follower of Marventa
    Sig. Items: A Double-ended Axe, forged by the unknown and found in the see by my Father whilst fishing. Name: Hope's Edge
    A Travel Journal, given to me by my Grandma who took journalism to the next level in Elpida. Kapono writes ideas, philosophies, and travel diaries in here
    Back Story/Context:
    Kapono was always an outcast, never really did fit in with everyone surrounding him. His favourite place was his imagination, where he could think up of anything. This place is where he could live out his passions about a far utopia, thinking up all sorts of stories of how he could "save the world" and find his place in the small place where he grew up in.

    His father was his hero. The person Kap wanted to be like. However, with love, also comes the time of death... Kaps father, Alexis, was a fisherman, who went out to sea in order to provide for his family and to find relics of the most mysterious origins.
    He was successful, he would then go out and sell some to bring food and money home, he did, however, keep some and put them up as his proudest findings. One blissful afternoon, Alexis went out to fish, without finding anything in mind, this changed as he found something like never before. A double-ended axe. Ecstatic beyond belief, he went out to sell it. People watched as he made his way down the market, attempting to find the best deal, the person willing to give the most money for it. Many people offered, but some were greedy, they wanted to axe for themselves. They hunted him. Alexis ran, ran for his life back home, the only place he knew well enough to feel safe. As soon as he saw his home, he shouted for his family to get into the fishing boat. He rushed in, axe in hand only to find the backside of the house in flames. He shouted for his wife and son. No response. Shouted again, no response. He rushed upstairs, stumbling as he tried to find his family. Alexis found his son, his only son, Kapono.
    He grabbed him by the arm and ran. Both of them made it out of the house, Alexis told his son to run, to find a place of new beginnings. He handed the axe to him, gave him one last look and said:" Run as fast as those legs can carry you boy. Go to the harbour and you'll know when you find it. I love you."

    So Kap ran, tears streaming down his face, confusion swirling around inside him. He found what his father meant, a colony boat labelled "New Beginnings", he grabbed to back, stepped on, and off he sailed. To new beginnings...
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    A bit short, but a good bio :D

    Consider yourself approved!
    SbxUniverse34 likes this.

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