Approved Character Bio- Josh Giovanni

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by FluxieC, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. FluxieC

    FluxieC Traveler

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    Username: FluxieC
    Discord Username (only if you want to be verified in the Discord group): Fluxie#2902
    Full Name: Josh Giovanni Joestar
    Nickname(s): JoJo
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Date of birth: 20th of April, 2386S
    Place of birth: Coastal Mainland
    Job: Ruin explorer, Mercenary and chemist
    Interests and hobbies: Cave diving, alchemy and gardening.
    Religious Belief: Marventa and Metus
    Signature Item (s):
    Poisonous axe of Phaedron, Shield of Ignarus

    Josh spent most of his time on the Mainland exploring ruins and caves with his brother Arch. If he wasnt exploring caves, he'd be tending to his garden or practicing his alchemy. A brilliant mind at a young age, but not shy to jump into battle wielding axe and shield. Josh and Arch often got into sticky situations due to unwanted attention, but they'd brawl their way out of it.

    Josh caught wind of Elpida through his brother, knowing there were few temples and ruins left in the Mainland, they agreed to set out for Elpida. However these plans would be delayed, as Arch had spent the remaining of their fortunes ensuring their families future in the Mainland. Josh started selling his herbs from the garden and alchemical items and potions to gather funds, while Arch was set on raiding a temple known to be dangerous. It took but a year, but finally they were ready to set sail for Elpida.

    During their travels, they came upon pirate ships wanting to plunder their boat and sell off the brothers to slave traders, but Josh and Arch fought them off time after time relentlessly. It was during one of these battles, Josh came upon a poisonous axe made by a follower of Phaedron, stolen by the pirates from an assassins grave, it was now in the hands of Josh. Although the poison was of a weaker effect, when combined with his alchemy and potions, it fit right in with the arsenal at Josh' disposal. As fate would have it, it was a one handed axe, also going well with the families fortune, the simple Shield of Ignarus, handed down to Josh by his father to protect himself while Arch wasnt around.

    Wherever fate would bring the brothers, they'd be together, fighting or surviving, regardless of the circumstances, they'd never split up on their own, and they'd never betray eachother. Such was the oath they swore, such is the way they live. Their next adventure would be Elpida, and Josh was looking forward to the new types of Alchemy and herbs he'd see, the caves and ruins they'd stumble upon and the fights Elpidia would bring.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server! This bio is pretty good. It reads very well and it's nicely written. However there are some things I would like to see changed. There is no "magic" on this server.There may be alchemists, brewing potions with strange effects. There may be historians learning about the myths and legends. There may even be strange inventions that feel magical. But no character is allowed to wield any form of special magic, so it would be nice if you could change the "magical items made with Alchemy" part. Also your signature items feel a bit to powerful, especially in theire name, to the point that they would start affecting lore.If you could change those things I will approve this bio.
  3. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Nice! This bio is approved!

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