Approved Character Bio: Betzalel Ahimoth

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by TacticianMatt, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. TacticianMatt

    TacticianMatt Builder Builder

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    Username: TacticianMatt
    Discord Username: TacticianMatt#1582
    Full Name: Betzalel Ahimoth
    Nickname: Betz (close friends only)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Date of birth: 2/17/2380S
    Place of birth: Mainland (...?)
    Job: Alchemist/Herbalist
    Interests and hobbies: Crafting experimental posions when not doing apothecary work and hunting the children of Phaedron
    Religious Belief: Believes a fusion of Legaros' and Ignarus' teachings, but does not actively attend religious ceremonies
    Signature Item (s): His father's bastard sword & gladius, his mother's mortar & pestle and alchemist's satchel

    Story Paragraphs:
    Betzalel was born to a lower class family in a small forest town. His father was a centurion in the local garrison and his mother was the town's apothecary/herbalist. Growing up, Betzalel started learning his mother trade and could craft basic healing tonics by age 10. Over the following years, his skills began to rival those of his mother, and his family began to steadily grow more "wealthy". On his 16th birthday, his mother provided him with his very own satchel to use when he went hunting for herbs and other alchemy ingredients. His father gifted him with a hunting knife and stern warning to keep a watchful eye, as a rumor had been spreading among the local garrison that shady people had been seen darting around the forest at night along with what sounded like strange chanting.
    Only a handful of weeks after his birthday celebration, the Children of Phaedron attacked his village. The garrison was taken completely off guard, and Betzalel's father was among the first to die at the hands of the attackers.Betzalel's mother working late that evening was alerted in advance by a single toll of the warning bell. She rushed to wake Betzalel and hid him inside a hidden room under the floor of their home. No sooner had she shut him in there than the Children of Phaedron stormed the house, murdering her, and taking any valuables they could find...
    Years later, having survived off the skills learned from his mother, traveling town to town selling herbal remedies to the sick and infirm, Betzalel caught wind of an expedition to a new land. Seeing an opportunity to leave his haunting memories and nightmares behind and start a new life, he quickly made it his driving goal to save enough money to make the trip, which he did.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
    Alir99 likes this.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hiya Matt!

    Really nice bio, welcome to the community :D

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