Approved Character Bio: Antoninus Pius Grim

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Justin, Dec 16, 2019.

  1. Justin

    Justin Verified Traveler

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    Username: Justferrer

    Character name: Πίος Crim (Antoninus Pius Grim)

    Character nickname: Anton

    Sex: Male

    Age: 21

    Date of birth: April 29th, 2384S

    Occupation: Miner, Trader and Prospector for Metals and stones

    Place of birth: The Mountains of the Mainland.

    Character interests and hobbies: Mining, dabbling in black smithing and learning the logistical arts of war. As well as reading from time to time when able to afford so.

    Religous beliefs: Ignarus (Believes more in the logistic and strategic aspects of war. Kind of philosophical)

    Signature item: His trusty pickaxe gifted by his father, a necklace gifted by hia mother


    Antoninus was born and raised in the cold friged mountains of the mainland. A mining town, first a village before the mainland needed the precious metals and stones of the mountains. The town was medium in size, mostly from the miners and their familys to live in as they toil in the mines. Antoninus looked up to his father, an ex-soldier of the mainland. Antoninus's father had retired, after taking a fatal blow to the knee. Since then, after returning home, he settled woth his wife and opened a prospecting buissness. He noticed, back in the military, the need for more metals and stones, as well as the needs of the kingdom.

    Antoninus was a son of 3 children, fostered by the toil of mining in the pits of stone and metal. A rough and simple childhood, antoninus was also taught to be a man, by his father and mother. Learning how to both dight and prospect, Antoninus followed in his father's footsteps. However, with the announcement and recruitment for the new lands, antoninus forsees wealth and adventurer as well as proving himself to his father. Antoninus pius grim set fourth to the newlands, with his pickaxe forged by his father and a necklace gifted to him by his mother, goes forth to his new life.

    Pickaxe Named; ζοφερή αποφασιστικότητα (Grim Determination)

    Necklace Named; pius προστασία (Pius Protection)

    The pickaxe was forged by antoninus's father, gifted to him at a young age for him to learn the ways of mining and prospecting. Until now, it has survived, though only through the care taken by antoninus. The necklace was gifted to antoninus by his mother to peotect him on his journey to the new lands, for the protection of the gods upon his antoninus's body and soul.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2019
    eragon43 likes this.
  2. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to the server! Very nice bio, one small problem though: if he's 21 years old, he would have been born in the year 2384S
  3. Justin

    Justin Verified Traveler

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    Sorry about that, forgot the s and didn't math correctly. Should be good now.
    eragon43 likes this.
  4. org36

    org36 Citizen Ambassador

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    Welcome to Minecraft Frontiers!

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