Approved Character Bio - Aegon-Draco Shannara

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by Joseph, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Joseph

    Joseph Verified Traveler

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    Minecraft Username: Tagusthehorrible

    Discord Username: Joseph#4810


    Given Name: Aegon-Draco

    Preferred Name: Aegon

    Family Name: Shannara

    Nickname: 'Dragon' (Draco is 'Dragon' in Latin.)


    Age: 20

    Year of Birth: January 11th 2385 S

    Place of Birth: An inner-city hospital that prioritized military families, on the Mainland. He only discovered that he was born in the Capital in his late teens, as his family travelled a lot to be with his father- who was a well-known soldier.


    Sex: Male

    Eyes: Hazlenutty- with a contrasting sharp emerald green swirling in his iris.

    Skin Colour: White, very little tanning. Spotted with freckles after being in the sunlight for too long.

    Hair: His hair was regularly cut to short back and sides, leaving the sides with a prickly feel whilst the top grows out to a fair amount, allowing it to be palmed over like a wave. His hair was a dark brown colour.

    Facial Hair: He had the capability of growing a full beard but shaved routinely, which left a light stubble on his cheeks.

    Height: 195 cm (6'3). His height and build had always given him an advantage, whilst most though of this as a disadvantage as they suspect that he is slow and burly, it was an attribute.

    Weight: 110kg (17.3 st) There was not a bit of fat on him, his work in the blacksmith's and training to become a soldier killed off any fat that could have nestled on his body. He had broad shoulders, muscular arms and a well-toned body.

    Facial Features: He had a well-defined jawline. There was a small scar that ran through his eyebrow just above his left eye- a remnant of his first real fight, and there was another just below his right ear from when his family were killed.

    Dress Style: He wore a white shirt, covered by a leather tunic. He wore dark- usually black pants and strapped his scabbard to his leather belt. He enjoyed his clothes being in a well-kept condition but knew the feeling of having to give clothing away after a fight.


    Education: He was well educated for a commoner, he received tutorage at some fairly prestigious schools and even had private tutors when their family was in areas without access to a school for a while.

    Intelligence: In his early life he was inclined to read into the history and politics of Patraeia- especially into the war with Antea.

    As Aegon grew older and began to be trained in the art of the sword by his father, he grew more interested in literature that taught strategy and tactical awareness on a battlefield. Overall, Aegon was a very intelligent man, his family were very proud of him and he could have likely gone into politics had he not moved to Elpida

    Mental Traumas: Two major traumas live with Aegon, the first was when the girl he was betrothed to was murdered whilst they were travelling home [backstory in the life section] and the second was when Aegon was eighteen. A group of men all armed with swords, daggers and wood-cutting axes dragged his family from their sleep and into the courtyard in front of the forge. Aegon was forced to watch as his mother and fifteen-year-old sister were raped on the street, beaten when they refused until finally, once all the men had, had their way with them they slit their throats and forced Aegon and his father to watch as the blood foamed at their mouths and streamed from their necks. One man grabbed the chopping log and pressed Augeus' (his father's) neck into it, whilst another took a running start and kicked him hard between the legs, laughing about previously being threatened with a beating. They eventually stopped kicking him and brought the axe down on his neck, since it was a rusty axe it got stuck and needed multiple chops to severe the head.

    Phobias: He did not particularly like to admit it, but after his family were killed he developed a phobia called 'Thanatophobia'- The extreme fear of losing a loved one.

    Sexuality: Straight.


    Alignment: A good man with a troubled past.

    Personality: Bubbly, funny and sometimes flirty given the correct situation. He was a kind and generous man who endeavoured to help those around him. But should family be mentioned, each time he slipped into a depression that seemed to create a morbid atmosphere that sucked the life out of a party. He was the centre of it all.

    Motivation: After discovering that the men or women who had ordered the assassination of his family had possibly moved to Elpida, Aegon set out to get himself a ticket so he could take his revenge. He used this motivation to become a soldier which gave him a further reach and knowledge. But Elpida was unknown territory. Some unknown territory that he would have to explore.

    Likes: Kindness, generosity and honesty.

    Dislikes: Criminals. Most politicians (he suspects that a politician had his family assassinated). Travelling by boat (he has minor seasickness).


    Religion: Aegon has never truly been religious, though he was brought up under the beliefs and ideology of Legarus. When his family was slaughtered before his eyes, he began to take a following towards Ignarus as well, vowing to become the greatest warrior so he would never experience the pain of being unable to protect those you love from harm.

    Interests & Hobbies: His father was a well-respected soldier (who had originally been the son of a blacksmith- turned soldier), this gave him access to resources that normal peasants did not get. Aegon enjoyed reading literature on the history of Patraeia and the war against Antea. Alongside this, he also kept up to date with the relevant local politics until his father was killed. Blacksmithing was a 'Shannara' family trait, passed on for generations, it was no different between Aegon and his father (Aegeus). It became a pass time for the two of them, bonding over sweaty hours spent pounding out metal. After watching his father forge a sword, Will became heavily interested in the art of swordsmanship. He began to focus on the strategic and tactical literature that the library held, even those that were restricted to non-soldier personnel.

    Aegon had very few 'hobbies', other than helping his father in the forge, and spending hours training against wooden dummies behind the forge, he did very little. He was a handsome man, so obviously attracted women. So if courting can be called a hobby, it was a hobby he rarely took past a few weeks.

    Current Job: He does what he can to survive, but has aspirations of becoming a soldier (following in the footsteps of his father and his father before him!).

    Signature Item: The blade that his father and he last forged, and that he used to slaughter the killers and rapists of his family. He vowed that his blade would taste the blood of those who ordered the assassination of his family. ('a blade fit for a king, complete with inscriptions on the hilt and central blade, black leather-wrapped grip and a gold-plated hilt, inscribed with their family motto- 'Honoris, Viribus, Fortitudo' (Honor, Strength, and Bravery)').
    Alir99 likes this.
  2. Joseph

    Joseph Verified Traveler

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    Life so far...

    As a young boy, Aegon grew up surrounded by semi-important officials. Men who needed the protection of his father or those who were close to him. His whole life revolved around his father's life as a soldier, but this came with many benefits. Although he was classed as a commoner, his family was by no means poor, they had an estate, horses, and workers that tended to the grounds. His passion revolved around information, he spent hours upon hours reading in the local and their family library, yet he was never satisfied. But before all this... they were poor, poverty-stricken and their elders were on the brink of death. At the age of six, Aegon began to study his father's blacksmithing techniques in the hope of developing a similar masterful skill at the trade. Aegeus (his father) had originally been a blacksmith, but when their local lord had sent an immediate conscription notice to the villages in their area, he had no choice but to become a soldier. Aegeus was sent off to a training camp when Aegon was only seven. The Shannara's didn't see Aegeus again until Aegon was eleven. His father returned home a hero- promoted and ladened with wealth, land and renown.

    Aegon placed his father in a position of utmost respect. He practically worshipped the ground he walked on. Seeing his father's skill with a blade he begged him to tutor him, and at the age of twelve, he did just that.

    Aegon was a difficult student, he always wanted to jump in at the deep end, not seeing the advantage of a slow, gradual tutorage. As much as he was a difficult student to teach, he was brilliant. Intelligent, talented, and a quick learner were all words that could be used to describe him. His skills with a sword increased by the day, he would spend his time between training sessions reading literature on tactics and strategy and training for hours each day in the courtyard. He certainly drew the eyes of his father's commanding officers, who recognised the potential in the son of Shannara- a prodigy in all his glory. For the next few years, Aegon was trained in blacksmithing, sword fighting, and strategy. He developed into a strong, young man standing at six foot three, built like a mountain, and strong as an ox. It was needless to say that many girls made it known that they wanted him, but very few received any attention from him. Those who did only had him for a few weeks as he just couldn't seem to commit to a woman when he knew that he would be going off as a soldier on his eighteenth birthday. Until he met Alyss Buragrove, he was sixteen, and she was fifteen. Her father was a merchant who had recently moved into the area. They spent almost a year together, slowly falling in love until eventually, Aegon asked her father if he could have her hand in marriage. Her father accepted instantly, after all, he was a merchant and knew the wealth that came with the Shannara name and he also knew how happy Aegon made Alyss. Their wedding was to happen seven months later on Aestheria's Maiden day, they had everything ready and were one month away from the 'big day' when disaster struck. Whilst travelling home, they were ambushed, Aegon was jumped by a group of five men. They stripped him down to his underwear, taking everything to sell for coins. They knocked Alyss down and when Aegon managed to get up and hit back, they put a knife to her neck. He stopped instantly and begged for their mercy. They didn't give it. The leader dragged his knife across her neck, piercing the skin in a slow and excruciatingly painful way. Alyss died in his arms and he swore at that moment that he would never love another woman.

    At the age of eighteen, Aegon and his father had been on a trip to buy a new load of supplies for the forge. There had been a recent influx in sales which meant they could buy higher quality metal to combine into his father's secret recipe (he never acquired it). As they arrived home with the metal, new tools and bags of coal for the fire, they noticed a group outside the forge. They were getting rowdy and had begun to threaten and jeer at Aegon's mother and sister. The father and son chased them away, threatening them with a kick up the arse if they returned. It wasn't until after that Aegon saw the resemblance between the group that had killed Alyss and this one. He didn't know what to do so went about his day, pushing the thought to the back of his mind. They set about forging a new blade from the high-quality metal and a blade the forged. Using the new equipment they designed and forged a blade fit for a king, complete with inscriptions on the hilt and central blade, black leather-wrapped grip and a gold-plated hilt, inscribed with their family motto- 'Honoris, Viribus, Fortitudo' (Honor, Strength, and Bravery).

    Later that night, the group of men returned. All armed with swords, daggers and wood-cutting axes. They dragged the family from their sleep and into the courtyard in front of the forge. The surrounding houses all woke to the noise but were too fearful of the group to intervene. Aegon was forced to watch as his mother and fifteen-year-old sister were raped on the street, beaten when they refused until finally, once all the men had, had their way with them they slit their throats and forced Aegon and his father to watch as the blood foamed at their mouths and streamed from their necks. One of the men grabbed the chopping log and pressed his neck into it, whilst another took a running start and kicked him hard between the legs, laughing about previously being threatened with a beating. They eventually stopped kicking him and brought the axe down on his neck. Since it was rusty, it got stuck and needed multiple chops to completely sever the head.

    Aegon lost his mind, he elbowed the man holding him between the legs before landing a swift right hook across his jaw, knocking him down. He dashed to the forge where the newly crafted sword lay, out of view on a cooling table. He flicked it up, deflecting the blade that had been brought down upon him. Rolling sideways, he slashed downwards severing the man's hand before stabbing the sword through his stomach, leaving him to crash to his knees and bleed to death. He ran at his next victim, causing as much pain as possible before ending their life, a stab to the leg, a slash across the back, a severed finger. Finally, after nearly half an hour of relentless combat, he finished the final man of who had slunk to his knees with his head bowed in defeat. A sign of submission. Aegon didn't care.

    It was only now that he was close enough to the man that he noticed he was the man who had murdered Alyss. Fuelled by even more rage than before he plunged the blade into the neck of the man and smiled, he had revenge. However, he also found a piece of paper that morning. There were only two things on that piece of paper, a name and an address. 'Shannara' and 'The local forge'. Someone had, had the love of his life killed and had wanted his family dead, he would find them.

    Soon after the assassination, Aegon came into possession of some information that the man or women who had ordered the hit, was a politician that was considering moving to a newly founded colony called 'Elpida'. He would be there waiting for them to arrive, and he would kill them in the slowest, most excruciatingly painful ways possible.
    Alir99 likes this.
  3. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    So much time and detail has gone into this bio that I have to just approve it!

    Congratulations and welcome to the community :D
  4. Joseph

    Joseph Verified Traveler

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    Thank you!

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