Approved CaptKirkles' Character Bio

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by CaptKirkles, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. CaptKirkles

    CaptKirkles Verified Traveler

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    CaptKirkles' Character Bio
    Username: CaptKirkles

    Discord Username: Capt.Kirkles#9857

    Full Name: Alexander Artinotis

    Nickname(s): Lex, Arti (the latter is often only used by close friends)

    Dislikes his name being shortened to Alex as he believes it sounds boring.

    Gender: Male

    Age: 19

    Date of birth: 01/05/2386S (DD/MM/YYYY)

    Place of birth: Small farm in the mainland's countryside.

    Job: Wandering Bard/Entertainer and a general freelancer. Will often perform for money but is no stranger to doing menial tasks to fulfill this.

    Interests and hobbies: Exploration, song and poem writing. Likes to spend time with animals, and will happily sleep in a stable if nowhere else is available.

    Religious Belief: Follows Aestheria diligently, seeing her as an almost motherlike figure and a big influence on his creative lifestyle. He believes her to give him guidance at his lowest points and despite beliefs that she is too stunning to comprehend, often imagines her to look beautifully ordinary with a kind smile and motherly eyes.

    Signature Item('s)

    Mother's Songbook

    Contains every song and poem she ever wrote. Rumours suggest she also used it as a diary - perhaps it will tell Alexander why she left in the first place.

    Alexander's mother wasn't around for most of his childhood. She left one night for unknown reasons shortly after his third birthday and fled to Elpida where she began afresh, making money as an entertainer and becoming quite renowned. She left her songbook buried beside the house she eventually settled in on the island shortly before her sudden death three years ago. Having recently discovered the stories of his mother (due to his father's confessions on the night of his 18th birthday), and heard the news of this songbook through correspondence with a fellow bard on the island, Alexander has decided to pursue a new life on the island and hopefully find this songbook and learn more about his mother from it.


    Alexander, unbeknownst to himself, followed in the footsteps of his mother by pursuing the art of music and poetry for as long as he can remember. He used to entertain friends and family on special occasions, though his father - on their quaint farm - seemed to discourage it, preferring he take the reigns of the farm instead. For most of his young life there was a tug of war between him and his father for this reason, leading to a strained relationship. The young man would often sneak out at night to meet other creative types and this rebellious streak leaked into his adulthood, giving him his cheeky attitude and general disregard and dislike for intense rules.

    On the eve of his 18th birthday, his father, struck with sudden guilt and illness, seeked forgiveness for how he had acted and told the boy of his mother and how she had been just as musical as him, a trait which was somewhat suppressed once she was reigned in with a husband and child (perhaps this is why she left - a desire to follow her passions and leaving baggage behind? Or maybe something more convoluted that she was involved in… Alexander pondered this frequently).

    Upon hearing these revelations of his mother - Alexander seeked correspondence with many bards and creatives in Elpida (where she fled to) to see if they had heard of her. This search turned up little results until one bard, who had been taught by his mother responded with more information - including the knowledge of her songbook and its burial.

    And thus that brings us to the here and now. Alexander travelling to Insulera to find out more about his legacy and hopefully find the songbook his mother poured her heart and soul into. He somehow scraped the money together by working the farm by day and performing by night. He goes with his father's blessing, who has made peace with the farm passing on to the daughter of his new wife instead of his first heir, as she holds the same spark for farming as he does.

    He identifies as mainly homosexual, but doesn't like the idea of putting himself in a box. Instead he follows his passions and thinks often with his heart instead of his head. This could be regarded as a fatal flaw.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2019
    Alir99 likes this.
  2. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Amazing bio!

    Welcome to the server :D
    CaptKirkles likes this.
  3. CaptKirkles

    CaptKirkles Verified Traveler

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    Thanks very much!

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