Approved Blake Redding's Biography

Discussion in 'Character Bios' started by HeyitsTalon, Dec 7, 2019.

  1. HeyitsTalon

    HeyitsTalon Citizen Ambassador

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    Username: Heyitstalon

    Discord Username: Talon#2357

    Full Name:Blake Redding

    Nickname(s): The Wanderer, Talon

    Gender: Male

    Age: 20

    Date of birth: January, 4, 2385S

    Place of birth: Southern corner of Patraeia

    Job: Rogue, Mercenary, and Explorer

    Interests and hobbies: Loves music of all kinds, watching birds, and exploring.

    Religious Belief: Follows Marventa after his Mother and Legaros after his father

    Signature Item (s): Adspice Alas (Singed Wings): A magnificent blade passed down through the Redding family since the days of the first Redding. The blade is beautifully crafted and incredibly strong, supposedly forged from the heart of a fallen star. Its blade reflects light in a beautiful pattern resembling flames and the hilt is shaped like an eagles wings, with a Red Malaya Garnet in the hilt.

    Blake was born into the family of Redding, an old and distinguished family. Though not generally considered one of the noble families, the Reddings have had many of their members in high ranks within the Patraeia government, mostly the military. The Redding family was founded by a soldier named Tyrenus, who was an accomplished soldier with the rank of Praefectus Castrorum by the end of his career. Blakes father, Moltivius, a high ranking officer, and all of Blake's older brothers were in the military, holding varying positions. Being raised in such a militaristic family meant that Blake was trained in the art of war from early on. The use of the sword and fighting from atop a horse. Blake was already naturally attuned to strategy and had an eye for finding an enemies weak point.His father saw the makings of a fine officer in his youngest son. Blake though was destined for other things than being confined to the walls of structure and discipline that the army thrived upon.

    He had always been a dreamer and different from the rest of his brothers. Moltivius had married a young woman from the North-West named Lily. She insisted that their last child be named after her Grandfather. This was an unusual departure from tradition for the Reddings as they always had named their children in the old way. Blake was pretty much left alone by his siblings who were all older than him by at least eight years. He also had the Blonde hair of his mother while they did not. His name also helped to make them see him as not really one of them. Blake also wasn't interested in being a soldier. The idea of exploring was much more appealing to the young boy and as he grew older and discovered about the expeditions to Elpida, he set his eyes on journeying there and join the exploring expeditions. His father was a strict man, though not cruel. He saw the direction that the boy was headed in. The way of the explorer was often
    treacherous and far less honorable than that of a soldier. After multiple tries of trying to talk the young dreamer out of his fantasies, Moltivius decided to at least give the boy the best tools for the job. He gave Blake a somewhat unorthodox schooling. While still focusing on the normal fighting and strength training, he also hired instructors to teach Blake in the ways of nature, learning about plants, animals, and ultimately, survival. Blakes mother on the other hand had supported the boys dreaming right from the beginning. She had read him stories and legends of old. The stories of Heroes and legendary weapons gave Blake a fascination for the fancy sword that hung above the mantle in the sitting room. It was longer than the standard issue sword used by the army so it hadn't seen battle in many years and was now merely a memory of the days of old. In his fifteenth year, He asked his father if he could take the blade with him when he left for Elpida, which at this point had been almost completely accepted by his family. The older man had merely given the younger a look which he could not discern and said that he would think about it.

    As Blake was preparing to leave for Elpida late in his eighteenth year his father handed him an object heavily wrapped in oiled cloth. As Blake took what could only be, Adspice Alas, the Redding blade, his father said these words.
    "This path you put yourself upon, is one in which I can not help. All I can give you is my blessing and this blade. Keep it close and it will be your strongest ally. Whenever you use it remember who you are, A Redding through and through. " As the young man left his home and climbed the hill overlooking his families dwelling. The words of his father ingrained themselves in his heart. "I will make you proud father." He thought to himself as he began his journey to the fabled island.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
    eragon43 likes this.
  2. HeyitsTalon

    HeyitsTalon Citizen Ambassador

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    hopefully everything is good and the background is long enough :D
    eragon43 likes this.
  3. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Hey there!

    So far I’m liking the bio, but would you mind adding some more information regarding your character itself? The detail on his family is really good but I feel it needs a bit more on the actual character.

    Best of luck!
    eragon43 likes this.
  4. HeyitsTalon

    HeyitsTalon Citizen Ambassador

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    Alright I added some more!
    eragon43 likes this.
  5. eragon43

    eragon43 Known Citizen Ambassador

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    I love this bio! The changes you made are amazing and I really like the ending. It's also really nice that you put in some real roman military titles. I would approve this in a heartbeat and I think alir will too.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2019
    HeyitsTalon likes this.
  6. Alir99

    Alir99 The Guy Who Does Stuff Moderator Community Team

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    Thanks for your cooperation :D

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